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Posts posted by tisd

  1. Hi!! I dated my ex-boyfriend for 4 years. We broke up a little over a year ago. It was real hard for me at first, but I was finally able to move on with my life. Last week his mom sent me some things for my job and attached a note telling me where he lived and worked now. She always sends me things for work, but never talks about him. ( We work at the same school district, but different campuses.) I emailed her and told her thank you for the things she sent me and she responded by saying " I know it doesn't matter to you, but I want you to know Ryan doesn't have a girlfriend." Then she sent me some more personal things through campus mail. I had totally moved on, but now I can't stop thinking about him. Do you think he wanted her to tell me that so that I would respond by saying i was or wasn't dating anyone? I don't know what to think.

  2. To make a long story short, I am just going to give you some of the story. I was dating this guy for 2 months and then out of no where he said he didn't think our relationship was going to go any futher. The first month he called me and wanted to see me all of the time. He even had me meet his family on our 2nd date. After about a month of dating he said that he thought we were getting serious to fast. But he is the one that was making all of the plans and contact. I thought I should give him some space and I havn't talked to him in 2 weeks. He also told me that he had been waiting for 3 years to date me. I feel like he got scared. I really like him a lot and want to continue dating him. Do you have any advice on what I should do or say to him? When I am with him, I am so happy and it just feels so right, like we are meant to be. Any advice will be great!!!

  3. What could a girl do to make you want her back? My boyfriend and i just broke up and i miss him so much. He had just got out of an engagement 5 months before we started dating. Things were great and were moving real fast and i think he got scared and wanted to slow things down. He said later that he didn't think our relationship was going anywhere. Everytime we were together things were wonderful. I just have a feeling that he is very guarded with his heart in fear of getting hurt again. I have huge feelings for him and would do anything to get him back. I was living with my parents so that was strange. We always had to go out somewhere, but now i have my own apartment. What could I say for him to realize that we need to work things out? I just have this deep down feeling that we are meant to be. He always made me feel happy and i always got so excited and had butterflies in my stomach before i would see him. I just want to know how to get him back without pushing him away.

  4. He lives 35 minutes away so it is hard for us to see each other. Also, I live with my parents so when he came to my town I never wanted him to come to my house so we always had to find something to do. I am moving to my own apartment next week and I will be willing to make time to see him. I thought about talking to him about maybe at least once a week I would come see him or he could come see me and then we could spend the weekends together. We are still talking. We both have been hurt from previous relationships so we are not good at showing our feelings, or are afraid to. I told him tht I cared alot about him and that I was ready to get married and have a family. I emailed him that and he responded by saying that he would call me later with exclamations at the end.

  5. How can a girl get a second chance? I think I know what went wrong with my relationship with my boyfriend and I know it can be fixed. What can I do or say to get him to give me a second chance. We are still on good terms. I really do love him and I want to work things out.

  6. Hi! I have been dating this guy for about 2 1/2 months. We have known each other for 3 years. He is great and everything that I could ask for. We started getting serious real fast. He was the one that iniated it. He would call me and leave messaged on my phone that would say he just wanted to hear my voice and ect.... Then the next week he said we were getting serious to fast. He got really hurt in his last relationship. I backed off for a little while, but we still went out every weekend. Everything seemed fine and then he told me that he didn't think that our relationship was going to go any further. I was also hurt from my last long term relationship so I never told him how I felt either. I emailed him and told him how I really felt about him and told him that I was just not good at expressing my feelings. I also told him that I wanted to try to work things out. He e-mailed me back and said that he would call me and he put exclamation marks at the end. I now feel that their is hope and that maybe he didn't know how I felt since I didn't tell him and he was afraid to tell me how he felt incase I didn't feel the same. I really would like for us to work things out but I don't want to get my hopes up.

  7. I have been dating my boyfriend for about 2 months. I feel so happy when I am with him. I went out of town this past weekend to visit my family and I just got back. He told me that he wanted to wait to give me my Christmas present when I got back home. I talked to him on the phone tonight and he told me that we needed to talk about us. I was on my way to a friends house so I told him I would call him back. He told me to call him when I left but that he might be asleep because he had to get up early in the morning. I thought that everything was going good but now i don't know what to think. Does "we need to talk about us" mean a bad thing, or could it mean a good thing?

  8. I have been dating my boyfriend for 2 months. He lives 40 minutes away, so we usually only see each other on the weekends. He makes little comments about us getting married all the time, but he has not told me he loves me yet. It may just be to soon, but I always feel like he is about to tell me, and then gets scared. Is it to soon to be thinking about marriage?

  9. I was just wondering how you know if you are pregnant. I have been on birth control for about 3 years. I got off the pill for 1 month and then got back on it. I was back on it for 3 weeks until I was with my boyfriend. I started a week early and was on it for 11 days. That has never happened. This past week I have been really tired and my stomach has been cramping really bad. Should I be concerned?

  10. I dated my exboyfriend for 4 years. One day out of the blue he just broke up with me. I didn't see it coming either. He also ingnored me and acted like we didn't just share the last 4 years of our lives together. Looking back now, I think that he new he was making a mistake because his family and friends were telling him he was crazy. He also started dating someone 2 weeks after we broke up. I think he wanted his friends and family not to like me any more so he bad mouthed me just like it sounds like your ex is doing. The best advice I can give you is to move on without her. I have a new boyfriend and could not be happier. My ex is alone and I am sure he is not happy. Take care of yourself and ignore her!!

  11. I have been dating this guy for about a month. I have known him for 3 years though. He invited me to his families thanksgiving last weekend and introduced me to his family. He always holds my hand and stays close to me, but this week he has been acting different to me. He is real into hunting and told me that the whole thanksgiving break he was going to be hunting. So I asked him if I was going to get to see him and he said that he had not been hunting this year and he was hunting from tuesday until sunday night. I may just be over reacting but it kind of hurt my feelings and I don't know if he is just real into hunting or if he doesn't like me anymore. He hasn't told me that he doesn't want to see me anymore and when i am with him he is wonderful. Any advice?

  12. I dated my exboyfriend for 4 years and we broke up a year ago this month. It was really hard for me because I loved him more than anything. I called him a lot and it just made things worse because I would end up crying. I finally stopped calling him and answering his calls like my friends told me to. I met another guy and started seeing him and when my ex found out he wanted to get back together. The weird thing is that I didn't want to get back together then because I was interested in the other guy. I am still dating the other guy so things happened for the best. Looking back on how i acted makes me feel real dumb. I would say don't call her or call her back and if she really misses you then she will straighten her act up. For the mean time, try to meet someone else. You never know, it might be the best thing you could do!!

  13. I have been dating this guy for 3 weeks now. I really like him alot and we have known each other for 3 years. He was engaged and the engagement was called off 4 months ago due to conflicts with religion. He told me that he really liked me, but before we started dating his aunt set him up on a date with a girl that she met at the doctors office and they have not gone out yet. He told me that he was still going to go since the date had already been planned before we started dating. I am mad that he just doesn't tell his aunt and the girl that he is dating someone now. He has never met the girl and doesn't even know what she looks like. Is it wrong for me to be mad? I just think that if you really like someone the way you say you do you wouldn't go on a date that was planned a month ago. How do you know when someone really likes you?

  14. I have been dating this guy for 3 weeks now and I really like him. He calls me and emails me and I think that he really likes me. I met his family last weekend. He lives 40 minutes away from me so I only see him on the weekends. He told me that he really wanted to see me this weekend and so I was going to go see him. Then he told me that he had to go to a game with some other coaches because they will probably be playing the team in playoffs. He said he did not find out until the last minute. He has a playoff game Saturday and he said he would call and let me know if we could go out Saturday night. Is he trying to avoid me or is he just doing his job because he is a football coach?

  15. We talked twice on the phone. The first time he was not real talkative. The 2nd time we talked he was friendly and asked how i was doing. I just graduated college and he was asking if I had a job yet. We also talked about my little brother and his parents a little bit.

  16. It has been 8 months since me and my ex of 4 years broke up. I have not talked to him in 3 months becasue I was doing the no contact rule. I had to call him the other day so I could get my furniture back. He sounded like he was really sad. He told me that he was not dating anyone. While we were talking their was a weird silence for about a minute so I ended the conversation. I feel that he wanted to say more, but that he has to much pride to admit that he made a mistake. I want to call him and see if he wants to have dinner somewhere just to talk and catch up on each other. I am not trying to get back together with him, I just would like to see him. I was just wondering if it is a good or bad idea? Any suggestions will be great!!

  17. I know it sounds like i am a horrible person, but I have really stong feelings for a guy that is engaged. When I first found out that he was engaged I just left it at that, but then he called me. We talked for a long time on the phone. He told me that he had been waiting for me and my ex boyfriend to break up for 3 years. I just recently got out of a 4 year relationship. When this guy that I have feelings for found out we broke up he asked me out. I was real hurt and upset, so I told him that I was not ready to date again yet. After 3 months, I was finally ready to date. I called him and thats when i found out he was engaged. During our phone conversation he told me that he didn't just want to date someone to be dating them , but that he was ready for marriage and a family. He told me that him and his fiance had called off the wedding becasue of religion issues, but now she has the ring back. I really don't think that it will work out. I think that he is just settleing. I really want to be with him and I feel that we would be really happy together. I told him how I felt about him, but that was about a month ago. Does anyone have any advice on what I should do?

  18. I know how you feel. My ex boyfriend and I dated for 4 years and then one day out of the blue he broke up with me. I never understood why becasue he wouldnt give me a reason. I came home from work one day and he said he wanted to break up. I felt just like you do, like I had a hole in my stomach. I felt like a part of me was missing. I cried myself to sleep everynight. I also felt betrayed and thought that I would never be able to date anyone or have feelings for anyone else again. It has now been 7 months since we broke up. I know it is going to be hard, but do not contact your ex. When I stopped calling him and begging him to get back together with me I felt 10 times better. Dont let yourself just sit at home alone. That makes things worse. I did that for about 3 months and it made me very depressed and lonely. I finally started hanging out with my friends again and that made me feel like a new person. I still wasnt ready to date, but now that time has passed I am. Just think, their are many people out in the world that have been hurt before and are ready for a new relationship. I hope that this helps.

  19. I have been friends with this guy for 3 years. Until recently i had a boyfriend. We were together for 4 years. This guy that i am friends with asked me out on a date as soon as he found out that i had broken up with my ex. I was still very upset and not ready to date so i said no. About 3 months later I had recovered and i could not stop thinking about my friend. I called him and found out he was engaged. I left it at that. He called me a few weeks later and told me that he had been waiting for me and my ex to break for 3 years. I had no idea. He told me that he had called off the wedding and taken the ring back becasue of reliigon conflicts but the girl has the ring back now. He told me he was ready for marriage and a family. I really have strong feelings and feel that we are meant to be. I think that he is just ready to get married and is going to make a mistake. Should I call him and tell him that i would like to have a relationship with him.

  20. I met this guy 3 years ago and we had an instant connection. Everytime I would see him He would give me a certain look and smile at me. I was in a long term relationship at the time. My ex of 4 years and I broke up 7 months ago. This guy that i like asked me out as soon as he found out we broke up but it was to soon for me to start dating and I was really upset. I told him that i needed more time. I called him 3 months later to see what he was up to and he was engaged! I left it at that but then he called me and we talked for a long time. He told me that he had been waiting for 3 years for me and my ex to break up. He said that him and his fiance were having problems and that he had taken the ring back and they had called off the wedding but now she had the ring back. There is still no date set. They are having a religion conflict and he doesnt know if it can be solved. I feel like we have a great connection and a lot in common. I told him that i had feelings for him and that if things didnt' work out that i would like to date. He also told me that he was ready to get married and have a family. I can't stop thinking about him and really want to be with him. I dont want to be a home breaker, but i know we would be happy together. Any advice on what i should do?

  21. HI, your probably going to think that i have lost my mind but here goes.

    I had a boyfriend for 4 years and he broke up with me out of the blue 7 months ago. I just got over him about 2 months ago. The problem that I am having now is that their is a guy that I like now but he is engaged. I met him 3 years ago in a summer class. We hit it off right away but I had a boyfriend and he never told me he liked me so I wasn't sure. We ended up going to the same college out of town and would run into each other every now and then. When he found out that my boyfriend and i had broken up he asked me out on a date. It was still early and I was still very hurt and not ready to date, so thats what i told him. After that I thought about him a lot wishing that i would have gone out with him. Finally 3 months after he asked me out I got the couragae to call and see if he still wanted to go out and to let him know that I had feelings for him. He was engaged!! I could not believe it because 3 months ago he was single. I left it at that since he was engaged, but then he called me and told me that he had been thinking about me. He told me that he had been waiting for me and my ex to break up for 3 years. He told me that Him and his fiance had called off the wedding and he had taken the ring back due to religion problems. But she is wearing the ring again now. He also told me that he was read to get married and have a family. I don't understand why he called me and told me these things. Now I really have feelings for him and I can't stop thinking about him. He also told me that if they can't work things out then they are just going to walk away. I don't want to wait forever, but I don't want to be a homebreaker either. I told him that I had feelings for him the other day and that I felt wrong for telling him that but that I couldn't help how I felt. What should I do?

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