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  1. Hi I had a relationship with Marie, a gril from sweden. She and I had contact for over 5 years. All of a sudden she got a boyfriend in the netherlands (Where I live) and moved here. We only had contact about the usual stuff all that years, how is sweden etc etc. Than one day she called me and said she moved to Amsterdam and would like to see me. She moved with her boyfriend to Amsterdam. We met and i liked her and thought she was beautifull, but i wasn't in love at first sight. After a while whe said to me that she was in love with me. I said we should takes things slow and that she had to tell her boyfriend everything honestely. She said she did and after a while i fell so madly in love with her that we started a relationship. But she was still living with her exboyfriend. Who knew all about us, she said, but she made a deal with him that she could live there until she found a place of her own. After a short while I found het a place near Amsterdam, in Haarlem. Than our relationship could really get going. She felt depressed about hurting her ex. I understanded that really well. I wanted to help her to find her way in a strange county and help her to regain her selfrespect and get a good life. She was down. That's why she didn't take good care of herself. I helped her with everything i could, I paid alot for her, helped het get insurance, drove her anywhere. Helped her when she felt bad. etc etc etc. On the night of my birthday she cheated on me. She said it was the first time. She went out with people from her class, she was studying dutch to get into the university. She told me that she had a good friend in that class, and i thought that was ok. Why couldn't she have friends. But she had sex with him and let him take advantage of her in all the ways possible, the first time the even had sex. Than i realised because of what she told me that she had lied a lot to me. She went out with him without telling me, she used me for times that she felt bad, she also went back to hr ex a couple of times. etc etc etc. And it's a good possibility she even had more guys. I loved her with all my hart I am real enough to know that love must come from two people and if one of them doesn't love the other, a relationship can't come true. But I really am broken about the lack of respect she has. Why didn't she tell me she wasn't in live with me anymore? And than have sex with other guys? That's real strange. She's kind of self destructive right now. Her parents know nothing about this. I am so hurt that i wanted to help her with getting a place of her own, getting her own life etc etc. And she thanked me for that by letting an other guy take advantage of her in all the ways possible (sexually). Possibly drugs are involved. After i broke up with her, she wanted me back. It was all a mistake she said. She wanted me to sit next to her when she called that guy to say she never wants to see him again. She did that, but strangely she went over there for the next three days and had every kind of sex imaginable. And she told me that herself. I found out when she was with him i checked on her if she still saw him. I also wanted her back, and i wanted to check if i could trust her. Maybe not the best thing i could do, but i was so confused back than. I tried to help her and make a plan so she could get her life back on track. She said she wanted to do that. But nevertheless, she went back to that guy. ratiopnally i don't want her back. But i still feel for her. I don't want anything bad to happen to her. Should i contact her parents? Should i help her myself? Or should i protect myself and not have any contact with her. This is only a small part of the whole story, she did a lot of other things to me. Almost in a provoking manner. Really strange. When, for example, we ate at my parents house, she ate like a hill billy. She hardly even said hello when entering, never made some chit chat. And that was not because she was shy or something. I am still thinking a lot about this, about how is should give this a place in my mind. Is thare someone who could give me advise or who had the same sort of thing? I hope this story is in the right place here, I am new a newsgroups.
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