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  1. DEECBEE Hi ! im doing very good thank you ! I hope you are too ! 11 months now ! I still miss her..that wont die soon i guess but nothing to compare to what it was then. Life goes on and i have a few friends (women that is) and its great. Hey everyone...NC is a war ! And it needs to be won ! NC from me since the beginning and i still believe its the best way to go ! Good luck to all.
  2. Thats what i call playing the " russian roulette " ! My friend u got balls. Whatever you do, stay strong.
  3. I would think twice if i were you ! You know its only my opinion but..... What would be the point of opening an old wound ? You might think all will be fine but im not so sure about that. Emotions are hard to control sometimes Why not put your energy elsewhere and forget her totally ? Its like stretching an elastic to its limit. Its been many months...you feel better.. so why the need to contact her ? What if it sets you back a few months ? Me i believe an ex stays an ex and friendship isnt a possibility ! You suffered enough no ? Whatever you decide, tread carefully. For me its been almost 10 months now and i feel great. Time does heal all lacerations of the heart. By the way, im glad ur doing ok...long time no see. Good work ! Hi TS Dude, I hope ur well also !!!
  4. TS my friend.... still swimming accross the ocean ? Just dont drown ok ? You seem to be doing pretty good ! You take care of yourself young man...we live only once and its always better to leave problems to others. I will be here every so often. A quote: " I generally avoid temptation unless i cant resist it " Best wishes to everyone and betters days ahead.
  5. Nine months for me. No Contacts at all ! The best recipe its to stay away from the ex at all cost. Ignoring the ex totally is the only way to go. An ex is like a car crash...takes time to heal the wounds. Its hard like hell to not be in touch with an ex but its imperative to stay away from them. Its better to delete them from everything...and i mean everything ! No fb...msn...yahoo...skype...emails... and no phone calls or texting. Avoiding them is the key believe it or not. Who is willing to eat sour grapes anyway. An ex rarely comes back and no magic potion exist, thats life ! I met other women and its great. The ex is becoming nothing more than a dream. I loved her, i wont lie; but its over, thats it ! Everyone here, do this. Its the only way out of this calamity. Your ex dont care anymore, so just do the same and move on. Tell yourself that its not a terminal cancer and life is great. Good luck to all and hang on because it does get a lot better !
  6. Month number 9 ! Do i feel better ? For sure ! I still think about her at times... but i wont allow myself to spend more time on it. I accepted the fact that she left and will never be back...and its ok by me now. All is turning out for the best. New girl friend...well a few actually to chose from and all are better than the ex. I didnt try to reach her at anytime, im way to proud for that. I know that the best way to go about this is to do everything to forget. Nothing around to remember the ex...no face book or msn nor pictures. Who wants an ex while she/he had time with another one ? The sex they had....no left overs for me, no thank you very much ! For me now shes just another women i loved a hell of a lot. Ignoring them is the way to go to obtain total freedom and move on once and for all. Who here can say they will never find someone better ? Time to accept defeat and see life under a new light. Mine is much brighter after a nightmare of a couple of months...how silly i was lol. When you meet someone new...take the time to look into their eyes ! Dont compare her/him to the ex and just get involved totally. Beside, who was willing to spend the rest of his/her life with the same person ? Time for you guys to stop shedding tears and enjoy life because its very short. Hate the ex if you must but dont stand still waiting for her/him to come back. The trust is gone...so desappear from the ex. By experience i must admit that its imperative to move on as soon as possible. I still go to a gym daily and its great, it did help me a lot. Even if my ex gf would reach me at this time i would tell her to get lost, i mean it. Shes out and for ever. Got my life back and im no longer a doormat or being on the back burner waiting for something i no longer wish for. I hope this information will help a few in here that are still in pain. Moven on...ignore the ex...explore new horizons and enjoy it. Good luck to everyone.
  7. Good decision my friend...i did the same and i will never reconnect with her. Six months now and total NC. Next step its forgetting her name and birth date. Ignoring the ex is the best...NC is a logical way to go and the only road to peace. Since we can always find better, why try so hard to get the ex back ? I dont want a left over and the lack of trust that follows a reconciliation. After six months i can tell anyone now that i am totally free of her and happy at last. Time to move on. Met a few women and its awsome ! Oh ya...i still go the the gym and i will keep it in my new life style. Hang on everyone...it does get better ! Just use all your pride to get out of the rut.
  8. She just did you a great favor ! Desappear from her for you're own sake. Make yourself first and her last. She's happy..do the same. Stay in NC and ignore anything that mean's nothing at all. All you have left is your pride...let it kick in ! Prove to her that you can do just fine whitout her presence. Take time to heal. Be with friend's and have fun for a change. Move on and keep your hope at a low level. Say this to yourself from now on " me..myself and i !
  9. It's true that i don't bark much lately while i should. TS, you seem to be doing really well ! It will get better trust me. Six month's since the break-up for me..time is flying by even tho i was in pain for a long period. Keep in touch dude....i love to read your condensed stories mostly when you tell us how it went when you were face to face with her. I really hope you get whatever you're looking for.
  10. Month six since "d" day lol. Yes i still miss her somehow. No more roller coster rides or dreams. Shes out for good. I dont know anything about her or how shes doing and i couldnt care less really. No hopes or expectations and i know its the only way to go for anyone whos in the same situation. The answers to my questions are found here "who cares" and "i dont care" ! My life is taking another direction now and its not worse or better than before because i still feel that litle void that she left behind. I think of her less and less all the time and thats terrific. Never spent energy trying to find out what she was doing or how it was with her novelty. Never drove pass her house or trying to cross her path somewhere. I still stand by the idea of staying away from the ex and to disappear completely. I didnt want any hopes or expectations; they can be so toxic. By doing so it did help me tremendously to heal faster. I would not be surprise to receive a call from her in the next few months when her honeymon ends...wouldnt that be a riot ? My answer will(or would lets face it) be very simple and to the point...get lost dear ! My conscience is now at peace and thats what i wanted, nothing more ! It was very hard on me but i still want her to reach her goal and aspirations. Good luck ex.
  11. Hey LOXXT... Women of steel in trouble again ? Forget what your dad said, hes from another generation. He never was in your shoes and wasnt the one who was cheated on. Your email was to the point and honest..he deserved it fully ! Your father doesnt know about the pain you carried and still do. Im about his age, i know how his neurons are working. Im happy that your ex is going away...it will be better for you. Enjoy your week in Florida and look at the boys lol ** P.S. What did your father expected from a daughter made out of iron ! He should be proud of you. I know i am.
  12. Hey guys, time to dump face book ! Who in his right mind wishes to agonize even more ! Sorry but i just dont get it ! For me it was imperative to stay away from her and accepted that the less i knew the better. Six months in a few days and still feel the same. Never want to see her again no matter what. My pride is bigger than the moon and i wont consent myself to be hurt over and over again. Waiting for results is ludicrous. Dumping them from our lives is the only way to go if you ask me. Trust me, they do know that your are visualising fb once in a while and will use it to hit you where it counts ! If its the way to go have a picture of yourself kissing another girl and post it lol ! FB is a weapon at times, use it at its own value. Jealousy is a strong emotion to develop insecurity. Interesting huh ? Time to remove fb,msn,yahoo...or substract them from it totally. Its fitter to let them go and move on. Why stay in a rut over a person who dumped you ? Being dumped means no longer needed or wanted. Are they having a bad day because you are no longer there ? Absolutely not ! Contrary they're having a ball with the new one or with friends. Hope can drive people insane. NC is first for healing, not getting the ex back. Most would agree that taking the ex back is a bad idea. Now this comment is for myself " i dont want a left over " ! And i mean it. Foook the ex, im having a great time ! *** LOXXT I knew you were a bomb shell ! Just confirms again that your ex is a dumb a$$ . How could he dump a women with such a look and intelligent over that. Sorry but im baffled.
  13. I agree. She really needs to talk to you...lol Ignore her..its all about her, not you ! If she needs someone she should talk to her novelty. She needs to know that you're no longer there for her, thats it !
  14. I guess she got in touch with him on fb (or he did). She was dumped..so i would think that she was hurt. Maybe she never got over him. Thats not something that she wanted to talk about with you, she kepted to herself. They reconnected and bam ! .. you're out ! Now the question is, will she ever come back to me ? Who can really answer a question like that ? It will be her decision. The best for now its to stay away from her and see what happens in the next few months. The worse thing you could do is to wait for her. Take the time to heal...when you think you're ready, move on. Spend time with family, friends and other girls even if its only friendship. Its abominable to wait for someone who might never come back ! Shes happy at this time, so dont torture yourself, its not worth it. Make every effort to forget her. Expectations are only good to destroy you for months to come. Only you can make yourself chirpy. If she comes back, good ! If she doesnt, big deal ! Soon enough it will be time to go fishing for females, just be ready for it. Let go of questions that cant be answered, its time consuming and you get nothing out of it. Im almost a the 6 months of NC...i know better !
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