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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    The Crossroads of Pain: Navigating Anxiety, Depression and Low Self-Esteem

    For many individuals struggling with anxiety, depression, and a lack of self-esteem, compounded with past trauma and difficulty connecting with others, life can feel like it is stuck at a perpetual crossroads. The torment and confusion of not knowing which way to turn can be overwhelming, affecting every aspect of life.

    Gaining emotional well-being is a lifelong journey that requires patience, compassion, understanding and help from those around you to come out the other side. One must recognize both their strengths and limits and accept that along the path there will be frustrating plateaus to overcome. Learning how to cope and improve one’s emotional state is a vital key to facing these struggles.

    The first step to attaining emotional stability and improving wellbeing is to find a safe space to express how one is feeling and actually take the time to acknowledge what is going on. It may be difficult to understand why these issues exist, but the person should take the time to be patient with themselves, to learn and grow in accordance with the emotions they are processing. Looking within and recognizing parts of oneself, talking it out while focusing on things that bring joy – whether its art, music, sports, etc. can be most helpful in harnessing one’s inner life.

    In addition to looking into oneself, it is essential to connect with those around you for emotional guidance and support. Trauma may have caused difficulties in connection, but reaching out to loved ones and even strangers who have experienced similar struggles can provide comfort and familiarity. Interacting with an empathetic listener in conversations can open new doors to understanding and peace of mind. Online forums and communities can offer this kind of an outlet as well.

    Adopting certain lifestyle and psychological practices can also help improve one’s emotional wellbeing. Exercising regularly, meditating to clear the mind, engaging in breath work such as yoga or calming hobbies like gardening, cooking, or reading – all of these activities improve things mentally and physically. Practicing positive self-talk, setting realistic expectations, rewarding oneself for small accomplishments–all of these measures deeply contribute to alleviating the stress of depression and low self-esteem.

    Gaining emotional wellbeing is no overnight task, but with determination and careful thought, progress can be made. Allowing oneself to open up emotionally, to ask for help, to recognize personal strengths and to practice self-care are essential steps in combating depression, anxiety and low self-esteem.

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