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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    7 Unexpected Ways of Loving My Friend

    Breaking the Stereotypes: A Fresh Perspective on Friendship

    As we traverse the journey of life, friends stand by our side, their love enveloping us like a warm, comforting blanket on a chilly winter night. But how often do we pause and reflect on the depth and breadth of this love? How frequently do we consciously strive to express our affection for our friends? When it comes to 'loving my friend', we may find ourselves tangled in societal norms and misunderstood stereotypes.

    Challenging these conventional notions, we'll explore seven unexpected yet fulfilling ways to express our love for our friends. These methods may initially seem surprising, but they form the bedrock of a profound and lasting friendship, inviting us to celebrate the richness of platonic love.

    1. Emotional Availability: More Than Just Being There

    In the hustle and bustle of life, we often forget the significance of emotional availability. Being available for a friend extends beyond just physical presence—it encapsulates understanding, empathy, and a willingness to share their emotional landscape. I remember one instance where a friend of mine was struggling with a challenging phase in her life. I could not be physically present with her due to geographical constraints, but I made it a point to be emotionally available. We spent hours over the phone, talking, laughing, crying, and just being there for each other. It was through this experience that I realized the power of emotional availability—it had strengthened our bond like never before.

    2. Active Listening: A Gift that Keeps on Giving

    One of the greatest expressions of love we can offer our friends is the gift of our undivided attention. Active listening, the art of wholly immersing oneself in another's narrative, affirms their feelings, experiences, and perspectives. It signals to them that their voice matters. Once, during a long train journey, a friend of mine started sharing her feelings about a complicated relationship. The train was bustling with noise and chatter, but in that moment, everything else faded into the background. As I actively listened to her, providing the necessary verbal and non-verbal cues, she felt seen, heard, and validated. Active listening, thus, holds the power to transform mere words into an act of love.

    3. Non-Romantic Physical Affection: A Silent Symphony

    Society often perceives physical affection in a predominantly romantic light. However, it's vital to remember that touch can also be a potent medium of expressing platonic love. A comforting hug, a reassuring pat on the back, or a playful nudge can speak volumes about your affection for your friend. In my experience, a hug at the right time has often been a silent symphony, offering comfort, warmth, and unspoken understanding.

    4. Respect Their Boundaries: The Dance of Friendship

    Friendship is a dance, a delicate balance of closeness and distance. Respecting your friend's boundaries is an integral part of this dance. It demonstrates not only your understanding of their personal space but also your love for their individuality. A friend of mine once expressed her discomfort over some joking remarks I had made about her career choices. Instead of defending myself or disregarding her feelings, I acknowledged her sentiments and respected her boundary. It was an act of love—one that underlined the value I placed on her feelings and comfort.

    5. Be Their Cheerleader: A Song of Encouragement

    Standing as a pillar of support and encouragement for your friend is an invaluable expression of love. From cheering them on in their achievements to providing a soft landing during their failures, be their relentless cheerleader. I've found that being genuinely excited about my friend's victories and growth has allowed our bond to thrive and deepen.

    6. Cultivate Patience: The Art of Loving Persistence

    Every relationship, including friendship, has its ups and downs. It's during the challenging times that patience plays a crucial role. A patient friend can be a beacon of hope in a tumultuous sea. Recalling a phase where my friend and I were going through a rough patch, it was patience that held us together. My love for my friend translated into a patient, forgiving, and compassionate approach, allowing our relationship to heal and prosper over time.

    7. Personal Growth: Love as a Catalyst

    Ultimately, love for a friend should serve as a catalyst for personal growth—for you and your friend alike. As a loving friend, we should encourage personal development, mutual learning, and growth. My friendship experiences have always left me richer, emotionally and intellectually, reinforcing the belief that love indeed is the most potent catalyst for personal growth.

    So, go ahead and redefine what 'loving my friend' means to you. Break the stereotypes and experience the magical bond of platonic love in all its unexpected, glorious ways. Remember, the beauty of friendship lies not in following set patterns but in carving your unique love language with your friend—one that is nurtured by respect, empathy, patience, and a deep sense of shared joy.

    Further Reading

    1. "Emotional Intelligence" by Daniel Goleman

    2. "The Art of Active Listening" by Josh Gibson

    3. "Boundaries in Friendships: How to Stay Close without Losing Yourself" by Katherine Butler

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