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Really Hurt and Really Confused??

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My boyfriend of 1 year recently broke up with me. It was a real shocker to me because we had been living together and we decided we didn't like living in the town we did so we moved home to find an apartment. Two days after we moved home he decides to break up with me. And 2 days after that he starts dating this alcoholic slut. I dont understand why he would do that to me. He was always tellin me how he was gonna marry me and everything. Now he's an alcoholic loser too, he was never like that when we dated. I wish I could be over him, but i still love and miss him so much. I really want to be back with him, I want things to be just they way they were. I see them together all the time and he won't even say Hi to me. What do I do? Try to make him jealous to get him back? Move on? I have no idea. I'm really hurt and really confused. Please Help

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I think that this just proves to you what your relaitonship meant to him. Look how dare he, not respect you so much after you spent a year with him, you know, who is he to do something like that to you? Not fair!

Why you want him back after he already touched somebody else, why would you want to be with someone that does not respect himself?


I understand that you feel all of this inside, but dont you think it's not reasonable to just try to move on. Maybe its not him that you are wanting right now, maybe it's just that place of comfort that you felt when you were with him. But just think about it a different way - the person you fell in love with, does not exist anymore. He has been with someone else, he betrayed your trust.


If you want PM me!

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