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i need help anyone please reply

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I am 28, almost 29....


my girlfriend of 2 years is breaking up with me I dont know what to do. love her more than my life.....


she is seeing this other guy already......

I hurt so much...i want to die....ireally dont care any more...i have nothing to live for.....I have been unemployed for a while and few friends now becuase of that. What do i do...

I studied engineering and did well but could neer find employment,, so i started medicine...but i cannot be motivated without her. I am about 170 cm, and thus short, every girl I have been out with has said that i am short...even now one of the reasons she is leavinfg me is becuase i am short...she hates that. This isnt my fault, i dint choose it.


i had one other gil i loved we were only together for a few weeks, and after that it took me 2 years to get over it....even then not completely...i almost killed myself....


now its 2 almost 3years with this girl...andmi just have nothing left nothing left to go to every morning when iwake up no where to go...no future...i want to die...i think i am not meant for this world icannot sleep i think i am losing my mind...i just cant handle this...the rest of my life to be rejected.....I cant go on any more


i live in sydney australia.


every second is to long.....


i have no-one

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Hello friend,


I just want to let you know we all feel like this sometimes. I am going through something very similar to you. It is extremely difficult to move on after losing something you really believed in and loved. But you know what you will love and be loved again. I promise this to you even though you don't see how right now. I can also sense that this breakup has really harmed your self-confidence to. It did mine as well. I started loosing mass amounts of hair quickly. I have always had a receding hairline but it started to recede fast from the stress. Who cares about the superficial stuff like this. Its hard to say you don't care. But think about it do you want to be with someone who cant look past the fact the you may be shorter then average or that I have a receding hairline. No we don't! Life will go on. Right now you are in the "how could this happen to me" phase and nothing looks like it will get better. But It will – what you have been given here is a chance to understand yourself even though you may have not wanted to right now but you have a major opportunity to do so. I feel very alone a lot too since the breakup even when I am with people it is always in the background and I never feel whole. But tough it out, stay busy, do something you have wanted to do for a while. Just do it! You said you are unemployed right now. So you probably don't have a lot of money to do anything and that is bring you down as well. Treat yourself to something like a couple days in a different place. Even if you cant afford it charge it. Life is too short to let the road blocks just comatose you. I am sure if you thought hard about it you have many positive things in your life. If you don't – first take some time to pull yourself together and then take the time to build what you wish you had. You can do it! You can! I am a work in progress as we speak. You may want to look up some of the things I have posted here asking for help and advice. You always have someone even if you don't know them personally. I do care and I am the same age 28 soon to be 29 we have plenty of time. Keep you your head up and you will get through this!



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I am sooo sorry to hear about what happened?

Some peoples just dont deserve our presense. I know what you are going through I went through this thing for a while now, but im getting over it!

Just think that if you feel like its the end of the world, think to yourself that you have a choice right here, right now right this second. You have a choice to get up and get this out of your system, or you have the choice to sit and elaborate this situation.

I can give you some good ideas about getting your self confidence back. PM me if you wanna carry on talking!

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I do understand the feeling of emptiness. However, it is obvious that you suffer from low self esteem and I believe that is a reason for people walking out on you.


Take control of your life, Live!!!! and learn how to live by yourself. Who knows, it may be better for awhile, finding out more about you and loving yourself. People, whether it be girlfriends or others will not appreciate you until you appreciate yourself.


So even though it hurst unbearably so.... Get up go to the beach, read a book, go to church, learn more about what makes you tick and then... if it is God's will you will find a love that will accept you for your shortness and then you'll be happy.


Live and be well



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Just letting you know that I understand. I don't think theres anything you can do- it's horrible I know. My situations abit different. I'm the other guy, only I care about her and love her immensley. She broke up with her boyfriend for me, but we still couldn't get together properly because we didn't want to rush things. THen I found out she got together with her ex-boyfriend again. She was upset about it. But she told me to forget about her because she felt she would only hurt me. THat statement made me want to die, I just cant get over it still. I hate myself for falling for her because now I feel like dying. So you seee, you are not alone. I love her so much but I want what makes her happy... Goodluck.

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