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I've never been intimidated before!! confused as why?


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this girl I went to high school with, I always thought she was really hot, and I caught her eyeballing me a little in high school. I felt she was way outta my league. I was much too shy to say anything about it then.


fast forward 7 years. 6 months ago broke up with someone I loved. I'm now lonely for the most part. I miss having someone to love, not the person I loved. Is this a sign that I'm not over my ex?


Anyways, I see that girl I went to high school with. I got the "I remember you look" and a smile. all signs are green for talking to her, and getting some digits. I realize that this girl is just melting my brain, still. I have never ever been so intimidated. I have two possible theorys; 1. I don't want this to be a rebound thing for me, as she is a really cool woman. 2. I just need bigger balls.

I grew out of my shy stage a while ago. I can take rejection like a spartan.


what gives? I feel like there is a clear answer here, yet my head is cloudy.

I'm not sure if theory #2 is really holding me back. ?? even reading this post makes me confused.

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who the hell is she that i feel a drop in my stomach.....shes nothing but beautiful, romanitc, ocean breeze smelling, sex lengire wearing, nice curved eyebrows dirt...thats it


make a move immmegetly or you'll regret it....if i could find that girl from 9th grade i'd ask her out, but i cant now i regret it when we was flirting.....u wanna regret things? get a move on clock is tickin

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