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Need advice... Should I handle it this way?

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Well... I came from a more stable job, but I can't seem to save much...So an opprtunity came but it was a short term job... 2 months only... But they are paying me 5 folds from my previous job...


"So I thought I'd go for this opportunity as they are offering me 5 folds, so if I got laid off after 2 months then its just like I've spent 10 months from my previous company, so I can take a rest and maybe in just a month I can find another job"...


But this project is inorganized...no system at all... No wonder they are having a lot of overhead and tons of wasted money...I am feeling that my work isn't regarded here...and it feels like I am finishing the two months now and they don't actually need my work here..Plus you have a co-employee who had been here since and since I arrived he is always annoying me...like some kind of a boss (well he is close to the boss)..Sometimes I think, how come he is pressing me to be great and make wonders for this project and that I abide to his brilliant ideas or he is acting like I am some kind of a stupid, that I can't get this job done...when he was here from the beginning and hell arouse from this project... "What is wrong with him?"...


But my actual Q is... If my boss tells me he's not going to extend my contract, should I just say "Thanks for the opportunity to know and work with you and all the employees I've worked with"... and say no more...Anyway, originally I am contented with just 2 months and find another job after...


Or should I ask him why? coz the project ain't finish yet and maybe will extend for another month... should I try to ask and get into a conversation so that I can reason out my side and what's happening to this project anyway?

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I am going crazy... I feel like everyone is ignoring me... the guy who is getting intructions from and reporting to me is being called upon... they are discussing with him... Why don't they include me?...


I have sent an email already.. what is their plan since my contract will end within this month? No response yet...


Why can't they just tell me? Because I knew it initially that I will just finish my contract and leave... But the problem is they are not telling if their going to extend it or not coz if not then I have to make an arrangements on how I can get the last salary since I am not from this country and I will be going out after my contract....


I am going crazy about this...

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Hi there, you replied to my work thread so I thought I'd check out your thread. Sounds like the management at your company is pretty confused. I'd think a well-run company wouldn't ignore you like that! But you can keep asking, maybe try asking in person because they ignored your e-mail. At least you get paid well, I guess.

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Hi there, you replied to my work thread so I thought I'd check out your thread. Sounds like the management at your company is pretty confused. I'd think a well-run company wouldn't ignore you like that! But you can keep asking, maybe try asking in person because they ignored your e-mail. At least you get paid well, I guess.


Yup...I am pretty paid well, compared to others... the problem, is my personal feelings...my feeling of self-worth... Yeah it would be easy for me to leave after my contract even if the project isn't finished yet... but I would like to leave a legacy... or something that I did that they would appreciate..


Ahhh... sometimes I think I am just about to have another break-up but I am left with dillemma and hopes of reconciliation...


I just had this 3 months ago... I am doing well now... but my career is going just like my break-up...


My name isn't in the agenda for the meeting that we are going to have on monday... the meeting is entirely related to what I am doing... well, ok seniors for my job will be in that meeting.. so they maybe they are thinking "too many cooks spoil the broth"?...


Its driving me crazy...

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I do understand because I have feelings of low self-worth relating to how little work I am given to do. In your case I think your company is just highly confused, it sounds like they don't manage anything efficiently, so if your work isn't highly regarded I doubt it is your fault. Here is what I've been doing to try to get my self-worth back up lately: After I come home from work feeling I've accomplished nothing, I do some cleaning and work around the house. At least then I feel like my day wasn't a total waste. I feel better that way than if I just sit around all lazy when I come home and let my husband do all the housework I guess this is silly advice but maybe if you don't have any better ideas you can find some project to work on at home that will make you feel a little better about yourself.

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Hi I'd say that it's your right to hold a catch-up or meeting with your line manager a.s.a.p and lay your cards on the table. What is currently happening to the project and do they want you to be involved/extend your contract?


If they give you ums and arrs... and you are this unhappy I'd say cut your losses and find another job. Life's too short to feel so miserable - and sometimes it's not about you and your feelings of self-worth. It's about a badly organised company with little professional management that make you feel like this.


Yes, even the office environment can make us feel small and unworthy. You just need to find the right working environment, one that suits you and encourages your career development - even if it's short-term.


I know what you mean about it feeling like a break-up. When I broke up with my ex, I was having doubts about my career and wanted a total change - my office environment was awful and I was excluded from meetings etc too. I just plucked up the courage to jump ship!

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I believe in you... I am confident that it wasn't me... its their management.... however, being ignored. Makes me feel like what they can use me for is to be their "fall guy".... I am pretty sure they will all be pointing their fingers on me on why this project sucked and so freaking delayed... but I would just continue, maybe, and finish my contract and leave and, maybe just keep it to myself that..."hey, I just arrived here a month ago and almost all of you have been here years back when this project was shut-off and resumed five months ago... and all of you are pointing the blame to me? I hope you feel great about it"...


Oh and by the way the guy who recruited me haven't answered my email yet if his keeping me or not...

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