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Not sure what to do on this


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OK, here's the my problem, I'm currently a college student and a volunteer with a local group sponsored by the Boy Scouts well to make a long story short, there's this girl that recently joined our group back in april, she's great to know and talk to and I like her, the only setback is our group has a no dating rule and she is the niece of the advisor running the program, now I've talked to him back and forth on the subject just as a joking matter and he's threatened another member of our group when he asked about asking her out but when I hinted around it he didn't threaten me at all he actually made a deal with me that I could ask her after I gave him 25 bucks and if she said yes I had to give him another 25, now I know he's just joking on this but the other day I showed up for our weekly meeting I got there a few minutes early to finish up something I didn't do or whatever, anyway she came in and said hey and sat down, she is smiling at me just about the whole time I talk to her, and sometimes subtly chewing on one fingernail, now yestarday me, her, her uncle(the advisor) and a few other advisors in our group were at a resturaunt and talking about whatever well the topic came up about getting into a jogging routine( one guy was encouraging me to do this.. I don't know why cause I'm not out of shape just don't care to run though) well as we're talking about she precedes to tell me yea I should do this so that way she could join with me well her uncle hears this cause he's right next to her and says something like "Hey no, you two aren't gonna be doing anything together", as he's saying this all us including me and her find it funny, I dont' know what to make of that statement over whether she was serious about that or not, but at the end of the day she was leaving early so I decided I'd leave early as well considering nothing was going on and I had to be up early the next day anyway. Well I'm heading out the door behind her and her uncle is talking to us and what not then he precedes to ask me why I'm leaving and then starts asking were we planning on meeting up somewhere later on and then says we better not, we both laugh and she still smiles at me, he is not really sounding serious when he says this to me and her because neither of us take him seriously cause he was just joking about it, well I walk with her to her car cause mine's right nearby and we talk about what types of papers each of us are having to right, we both go to different colleges in the city. So my main question is what should I make of this, does she like me or is she just really good at flirting with me, when all of us are around others in the group she'll sometimes stand near me but she has always smiled at me when I talk to her and when she talks to me and she doesn't do this with anyone else except her uncle and maybe one of the other girls in the group and I have just about always been able to make her laugh with some witty remark I'll make or just by imitating her uncle when he's right in front of me(he himself finds it funny because I do it so well). If anyone can give me some advice or tell me what in your opinion it looks like is going on please reply

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I believe that you two could get away with being friends. No rule breaks that. Just be respectful of the situation and move forward from there.


No rules ever stop true love from growing. If you two make a decision to take it to the next level, then remembering that you are going to be respectful, you will then need to bring it up with the Uncle.


You better start running...and LIKE IT! LOL ;-)



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