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Do you gain weight when you are sexually active?

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It is a little to short maybe.


Are you gaining weight after having starting to have sex?


Are you female, and have you started birth control? I have heard of many girls gaining after starting the pill.


Normally, having sexual activity does not make you gain weight. How you Feel about it may be an issue. Not ready yet, it was painful and don't look forward to doing that again.....ect. Emotionally it could take a toll on you if you are young.


Just my opinion



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  • 2 months later...

Aura Seeker is partially right. Using the pill will make you gain weight. But you willa lso notice that your clothes don't fit the same way anymore, noit because you've gained weight, but because your body is re-shaped. It's a natural thing to happen. your body changes after having sex.

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