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Asked girl out.... she said no.... when do i try again???


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Hi, I called this girl i like yesterday on the phone and when we had a nice conversation going i told her 'i would really like to get together and do something with her sometime. Maybe say an afternoon of bowling or anything just to get to know her better'. Well she responed that now is not a good time but maybe later sometime. Her reason was that she was having ex b/f problems, and from the tone of her voice she sounded very sincere. (i also want to add that she told me someone had asked her out a few days b4, but i got the impression she turned them down too). So my question is how long should i wait b4 i call her again to ask out? and what should b my next move at this point?

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I would wait a few days, maybe up to a week. Is there anyway you can see her somewhere, and try to talk to her and find out her real feelings on the matter? Its worth a shot. If thats too risky, wait a while, and try to think of a way that you can ask her if you can help her with her boyfriend issues, and then she might warm up to you. It's worth a shot.

Good luck.

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Just move onto the next girl.... She either still has feelings for the ex-boyfriend or the ex is really not ex, but the fact is he was big part of the reason... When her heart is empty then you can fill it, but right now her heart says to you on the phone... I am still dealing with him. I wouldn't call her back, no means no. If you call her back you will just keep barking up that tree and probably getting the same reply.

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Well you should wait until they break up. Yeah, I know, picking up on the rebound is probably the lowest thing you can do but trust me, it works. However, don't just walk up to her and say "Aww poor baby lets date" but at least show her you care, then later when she's feeling better then you can ask her, and from the way this sounds, it looks like they'll be breaking up soon. Good luck!

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