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Currently in college, I've noticed that while growing up I had a crush maybe once or twice. Very light, nothing like it seems in some of the posts i read about on here.


Last crush I had was in 8th grade... but now all of a sudden I've developed crushes left and right. I don't know what it is... but I just get SOO attracted... and I just can't help myself. I feel like a horny 12 year old boy again... everything is for pickin's I guess you could say. How can I control my sexual hunger? How can I let go of thinking about crushes. Last time i had a crush it took about a year to finally get it out of my head.


I sound like a little boy writing this, cuz I feel that way. Its strange, something I can't let go of from my thoughts. Anyways here is an example:


I'm at a party, i find a girl attractive (I ALWAYS SEEM TO FIND AN ATTRACTIVE GIRL). I flirt, most of the time they flirt back, but I know I'm just sexually hungry so I back off... how do I prevent myself from flirting... I don't want to stop partying cuz its great seeing friends. I've tried growing out a beard to be less attractive and its helped some... but its not 100%. I sometimes get hit on and then I think "ooh easy"... I always restrain myself then question later. Although I've done my fair share of messing around (and bad decisions) I just can't get girls out of my head for a week... and just relax and do my work. It seems I'm always looking... and its frusterating, how do I back down?

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I was like that for a while. It seemed like I wanted a different girl each week. I didn't think about backing down tho I went after it. I got it out of my system I guess you could say. Go with it for a while. Eventually you will run into a girl who will knock you on your butt and the focus will remain on her.

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why are you backing off? who cares if it's easy or not. why not try and have a relationship after hooking up? you never know.


cuz I used to be out of control. I'm working on toning my hunger down and being more of a gentleman. Its just hard to do my work when this plagues my mind.


I don't like easy girls... I doubt i'd like to date one.

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cuz I used to be out of control. I'm working on toning my hunger down and being more of a gentleman. Its just hard to do my work when this plagues my mind.


I don't like easy girls... I doubt i'd like to date one.


oh okay. but you don't have to give the cold shoulder to them. what if you meet a great chick that is outgoing and just seems easy?

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