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i like this girl......

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i like this girl but i dont know how to tell her i mean skool just started im prety shy towards her and when eva she passes me i feel quizy i think she likes me to.........cuz her locker is nex to 2 boys she is in the middle of me and my friend and as soon as she gets to it (or class depends where i am)she says hi and i mean even today (9-12-03) im minding my own business and when 7th periode starts she come touchers my hand and tell me hi again! i mean does she like me or not and how do i tell her i like her? please help

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just ask her out, seriously. girl's have more probs than boys do because it is hammered into our brains that the boys are supposed to do the asking. she probably likes you to!


if she reacts like she doesn't like you after you ask, however, smile and say "that's alright, really! i promise!" big smile. and that's it. the end. no one gets hurt that badly, and you can still smile at her and say hi!


post how it turns out if you do, k?



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Physical contact is always a sign of interest, this girl is curious about you, so satisfy her curiosity, you've already broken the ice by saying hi to one another, so next time this happens, start a conversation, let her get to know you little by little, then eventually you two will be hanging out, find out what she likes and what you two share in common, approach her with kindness and sweetness, but you always have to be yourself, from the sound of it, your on the right track, you know what to do, so have fun with it, give it time, in the end, you'll be alright....trust me

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Go for it and ask her out. This is a little funny thing that I did and it worked lol. Tell her you are going to ask her out before you actually do For instance, say something like "I'm going to ask you out, but not right now... I'm not in the mood". The anticipation will drive her nuts, because she has no idea when you are going to ask her out. You will be on her mind 24/7 until you eventually do ask her out, which you should do when she least expects it. lol try this if you want. lol

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