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discussion: if you could describe love in ONE paragraph...

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what would your paragraph say?


how exactally would you explain how love feels?

my view on love is probably alot different than alot of other people would view it.


put yourself in this situation:

you were with the person you care about the most and a bullet was headed straight towards them. knowing that you could jump and take the bullet for them in time, would you? in the risk of taking the bullet, you know that you will loose everything that youve ever accomplished in your entire life; EVERYTHING would be gone. eventhough you know the consequences, you would still put yourself there JUST knowing that the person will live.


now think about it, most of your parents would do it for you... because they LOVE you.


im not saying that IS the definition of love, that's just how i view it.


how would you guys put it?

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The idea of someone always being there, knowing they will drop anything at any moment if you need them and they knowing they can count on you that much. An unspoken bond that never needs to be said, looking into there eyes and saying a million things in your actions without saying a word. Putting someone else ahead of you and doing anything you can possibly think of day in and day out to let that person know they will always be #1 to you.


Thats what I think of when I think of love, all the little things that just click when you have it.

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If it was the person i love and care about most i would take the bullet anytime.


Love cannot be described properly in words, but i will do the best i can. To love someone is to know someone inside and out. to know their weak-points and not care about them. and love that person for the person they are inside. When you see the person you love smile, it should turn a rainy day into a perfect day, knowing that they are happy. Love is a feeling, an emotion, which paper can do no justice.

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Hi barrelofmonkeys,

Boy! Have you posted a deep phylosophical topic here: "How exactly would you explain love feels?"

I think this is a very individual thing for everyone. You put it very nicely though in that bullet thing: Wish that if someone was going to shoot me I had someone like you that loved me around

It is a very noble thing, to give your life and your all for another, however noble I don´t agree that this is how love would feel. BUT I am not disagreeing with you, that is how it feels to you and that is beautiful and perfectly ok. I think that giving your life for another is a very relative thing. I think in this case is more the thought that counts.

Many people, as much as they love another, in a crisis situation like this find themselves frozen or unable to act and don´t take the bullet. Also, they are people that have a very deep sense of loyaty and very high humanitarian spirits. Some people risk their lives everyday to save perfect strangers, others make of a job of being a hero such as firefighter.

If I was to see a baby or a child in a really risky situation, I think I will risk my life and give it all to save them. And I may not know or love this people.

However noble, I think this is more linked to something more basic to our being human, and this feeling could be aroused by a perfect stranger. Also it is easier said than done.

I think the way love is more measured in the everyday things. There are also many layers to it, and some days may feel stronger than others for the same person, however in the core it is still there.

I am focusing here on romantic love. HOpe this is what you are talking about. As I mature and learn and break my heart and pick up the peaces and heal and evolve I realize that the idea of love, and how it feels is changing for me.

The way love feels for me is to be able to want and be willing to stay with someone even after the "honeymoon" stage of a relatinship is over. Work through the fears and challenges and still be there with the person and realize that you still want them in your life. Real life, not some make believe infatuation thing.

Sometimes what we feel is love is really not. I am learning that as well...love sometimes turns into addiction. To love and want to be with someone that no longer wants to be with you or feel does not love you anymore even though at one point they they did well...its not love. Its more like an addiction. Unrequitted love, as intense as it is, is not love-- it is irrational, and painful for you. Love by definition is supposed to be good.

I guess in many cases the way loving someone genuily feels really boils down to something that sounds very selfish: Loving your self first.This means being honest with your emotions both to your self and to the other, no playing mind games or manipulation to get what you want, but really being sincere from a healthy place within you. I am no psycologist and don´t know if I am explaining it right. In any case, that corny Whitney Houston song may be really right after all: Learning to love your self is the greatest love of all.

When you learn to do this, not narcism but real personal growth and maturity, then you are able to feel how real love and not some unhealthy love feels like.


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To me, love is;


Contentment. Respect, communication, trust, being yourself. When you feel that simply being YOU is more than enough for someone. When lying in there arms is your own paradise. When someone can put a permanent grin on your face, but for no apparent reason.


Aww, it really does make the world go round!!!

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