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Having mixed emotions. . .

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Hey AGAIN! I need some more advice!


I am 20 years old and currently living with my parents but I will be moving out in about a week.


Heres my story. . .


I never used to hang out with my friends as much as I am in my last weeks here. I am having a blast. I never used to like being around them so much because it was always drama non -stop. But now that I am leaving I feel as though I am having the time of my life. I just got back into the flow of things with my friends and im moving to go live with my boyfriend.


We've been having so much fun. I've been meeting new people, and making some friends.


I don't know how to leave them. . .


I don't want to have to start from scratch when I get back


what should i do? I love my boyfriend and I want to be there with him, but my friends are awesome.



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well, if your really want to go with your BF, go talk to your friends before you do that. ask their opinion about it. after knowing their feelings about it explain to them whats yours and why. they are your friends and they should understand your situation. if they really want you to stay let them explain. listen first to their cry so that at least you lend them your ears. if its reasonable enough for you to stay, why not stay? if really want to go for your BF, explain to them first and leave. listen to your heart. your the master of your emotion. you know your feelings better than they know yours. will that be ok?

take care of your life out there

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man...just tell them you will be sure to keep intouch with them while yur gone...and im sure you'll have to come back home sometime, afterall yur 'rents are there!! thanxgiving, xmas all that good stuff...so just tell them when you get back you'll take a couple days out of yur vacation reserved just for them! and tell them you hope things will be the same way they were when you left..but its important to try to keep intouch with them, doesnt mean you have to write letteres to all of them every week, but just a letter to each of them every once in a while, or send them some soveniers to let them know youre thinkin about em. they'll be glad to know that and should welcome you back with open arms

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