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Laser eye surgery...

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*Shudder* I saw how they do it on tv! I just don't think I'm trusting enough for somebody to do that to my eyes! I'll stick with wearing glasses when I need to. I took the time and spent the money to have a very nice Italian pair that tends to vanish onto my face..not block it out.

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I had it in April of '05 and I am so, so happy with it! I loved the results so much that I've become like a laser eye surgery evangelist. Here's what I remember:


First, I was given a Valium and told to sit in a recliner and relax. I wished I had brought music. They left me there for about 20 minutes, and I nearly fell asleep Then I was led into the operating room and given a stuffed teddy bear to hold on to. There were a few doctors in there, my own included, and a guy whose function was seemingly only to explain what was going on.


I laid down on the operating table and was given some drops to numb my eyes, then some more drops the function of which I don't remember, but they made me blind for just a second. My doctor waited a minute, then poked my eye (which I could see!!!!) and asked if I could feel that. I couldn't, so on went the show.


They clamped my eyes open, which is the most uncomfortable thing ever. You can feel the clamp going in under your eyelids, but you can't feel your eyes. It's very strange. It doesn't hurt, but the sensation of not being able to close your eyes is pretty strange. haha - I'm blinking right now just thinking about it. Then they get to work. They slice your eye open and then you can see the laser blinking as it's zapping your eye. Then they fold the flap back over and you can instantly see again, even though it's a little blurry around the edges. They take the clamp out and all you want to do is keep your eyes closed for like a day. Not being able to close your eyes is the worst part!!


I walked out of the operating room and was given some eye drops (steroids for inflammation and moisturizers to aid in healing), a mask to wear at night so I didn't rub my eyes, and instructions. The lady told me to go home and take a long nap.


As soon as I got in the car with my hubby, I shut my eyes. I remember opening them when we were almost home and looking at a street sign and being in total disbelief that I could see it so clearly. I tried taking a nap, but couldn't, so I just walked outside and chatted the neighbors up.


The rest of the day was a little uncomfortable, but no worse than, say, wearing contacts all day and them being irritating that night. I felt perfectly fine the next morning, like nothing had ever happened. My eyes were a little dry, but otherwise, no pain, no discomfort, nothing.


My one regret was going to a very windy, very dusty New York City the following week! I was using those eye drops left and right!!


So was it worth it? For me, 100 percent! I'm so happy to not have to use glasses or contacts anymore, especially now that I have a baby that grabs everything in sight! I spent $2400 on it, and could not be happier with the results.


Hope this helped!

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