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Breakin up When Summer starts

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Yup, what the previous posters said pretty much sums it up. With the summer approaching, people (not just guys though) can just sense those summer flings that they are not obligated to extend into the academic year. Yay, freedom (not that I agree, quite the opposite).


Also, the summer may bring travel opportunities for one or both parties, and sometimes one person simply can't handle that, so he/she calls things quits.

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It happens here in Aus also, but there's even more pressure because summer covers Christmas and New Year's Eve. Every long term relationship I know of that has broken up suddenly (from the dumpee's perspective) occurred in the first week of December. Perhaps 6 of them, including mine. Early days of summer, and I think a heightened awareness of major family holidays and a realisation that the partner will be there unless they are dropped beforehand.


I have asked guys before about this and all profess not to have realised; however after some thought all venture it's because the warmer weather means more skin is on show to tempt them, and it's a time of holidays and renewal. Time to shed the old.


By the way I am buying in to the gender thing purely because in my experience it's always been the guy breaking up with the girl but I'm not assuming it doesn't go the other way around.

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