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One thing I learned is not to beat yourself up for feelings you have. If it's a year later and you still cry...so be it. It's not wrong in anyway, God gave you feelings for a reason, to get stuff out. Tears are emotional blood and your emotions just got cut, gotta bleed a lil before you can scab up. IT IS OK!!!!

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Amen, amen, AMEN!!! I was just thinking the other day and IceMotoBoy has stated on more than one occasion, to just feel those feelings.


I kept thinking that I should feel one way or the other or just be angry or tell her like it is or wonder how I still had feelings for her when she did not want to be with me and I have decided that it is ok.


I will accept that I feel all of these things and work through them with the feelings of acceptance. I no longer have to fret about what I should and shouldn't feel.


I can accept that I still love her and miss her and not worry so much. It doesn't make me bad or it a bad situation. It just is what it is.


Thanks for the post...

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