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wont you leave your door open for me tonight?

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late nights and creeping floor boards

i see a crack that holds no barriers

a door open and within sight

what story will this tell tonight


you hold your hands out, signal me in

grasp onto my fingerips, im drawn within

tip toe gently, dont set of a stir

hopefully people, dont grasp that im here


im lead through the door way, into the room

lit with vibrant lights, a taste of elatedness through -

out of the darkness and into the light

caressing the surface, no fright tonight


keeping eyes fixated, surroundings so clear

smiling faces are cherished, celebrated and dear

takes in the fixtures through each of the senses

prey the night continues, taste of life never ending


wont you leave the door open for me tonight?

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The reason I ask is I told a man that I was in love with that my dream night with him would be for him to leave his door open, I would come in and get into bed with him and make love with him. I never heard from him after I said that. I scared him away.


Maybe being told that would turn me off... but saying "come down, i'll leave my door open" would be sexy... a command is better than a suggestion in my eyes.

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