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My hough of the day!

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Life is unpredictable with ups and downs and round and rounds, but life is what you make it, I know it’s harder then it sounds. I don’t know how many times I’ve given up hope then got back up and tired, or how many times I committed emotional suicide, and some how survived. Because love is lost and every time it comes around she gets chased off, I used to put up wanted posters, but now I can’t afford the cost. So now a day I think that people enter your life for reasons, from the one night stands to last loves that grow stronger over seasons. But only real love that I have is for my families in Cambodia, the only truth families and true best friend, none before them none to come. Living check-by-check, family problems, haters, and senseless fights, add fuel to all the stress I have that lead to sleepless nights. I smoking and drinking everyday to ease the pain or so it seems, Cuz once it puts my * * * to sleep out comes the nightmares in place of dreams. But honestly I can’t complain, ten fingers and toes and not really insane, my heart beats strong and I recognize beauty and I know some of you can’t say the same. So this is it, my thought of the day…!!

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