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werid convo with ex

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right i had a convo with ex after our break up which went more or less:


her: how are u


her: been up to anything?

me: yeah just keeping busy...going out on fri

her: yeah i might be goin out now

me: ok hope u enjoy ur night, how uni, working hard?

her: working hard, playing hard

me ur enjoying urself

her: yeah well i got drunk last friday and got thrown out of a cab.

me: ok...

her: then had vodka and kicked off with some guys who wanted to come home with me

me: at least u got ur admirers....hows the dog?

her: and another guy touched my arm i told him to {Mod Edit} off and cud talk to but not touch me

me: hows ur family?

her: fine thanks...gotta go..im meeting a friend in town.


now i got the impression she wanted me to bite but i didnt but now i feel bad and maybe should have shown i cared. i dunno....but its weird cos she finished with me...all my mates said i was right to play it cool....but i feel awful now cos i want her to know i care....


any thoughts on why shes behaving like this and if i did the right thing

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yeah...shes 24 and im 30...but i dont understand the psychology of whats goin on....she finished with me - now that is the sort of behviour i would expect from someone who had been dumped....who knows....maybe cos she knew i was goin out she was over compensating.....what do u think peoples...or shud i not rumenate on this too much

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This one can go two ways, depending on the tone of the conversation. Maybe she's trying to make you jealous. Or maybe, in a more generous state of mind, she's freaked by what happened, you've broken up so her 'protector' is gone, and she wanted you to get upset on her behalf and say that she did the right thing by telling the guy to get lost.

Or maybe Zombiaian is right and she just wants to say 'ha-ha, I'm still attractive'. Only you can tell because only you know what she is like.

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Na, don't worry about it, you handled it perfectly. She shouldn't have put you in that situation to begin with. Women have a tendency to turn into a mess, get drunk, and do stupid stuff after a breakup and then for some reason they want their ex to know all about it. I bit the first few times and it didn't do anything except feed into her ego, she eventually moved on to heavy drugs.

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Women have a tendency to turn into a mess, get drunk, and do stupid stuff after a breakup and then for some reason they want their ex to know all about it.



Dude... run away immediately!


To the hills with you, quick before one of our female friends on here reads that.

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I am sorry she played the jealousy card this time, (I know this is tough because I went through the same thing but the difference was that I was the one who ended things with her) and knowing she was the one who broke things off this can clearly be a way for her to justify her actions and the decision about breaking up with you. She wanted a response from you and you acted just right by changing the subject every time she said something about a drunk guy touching her and all. be strong .. I can learn from you mate.!

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Very funny Zom..lol


No but Seriously, RUS.. this chick is very immature, sounds like you may be too good for her. If she wants you to bite, she's playing games, call her bluff dude! Tel lher to quit playing her games or dont call u at all!

I have NEVER bragged to an ex about getting messed up, I may have drunk dialled them a couple of times, crying baout how i wantthem back, but then again i was not the dumper!

She's TOTALLY playing you, and if you bite, she will play you even harder, so dont and if you feel bad about not biting. Cut her off, dont answer her calls.

she may regret leaving you, but why not just say that? She's dumb and immature!

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I really don't hate women, I just don't like the vindictive ones. They always have a tendency to try to take advantage of me... I used to let it just happen but now I'm getting to the point where I'm turning into a little bit less of a doormat. It's not just women, guys have a tendency to walk over overly sweet girls too. You get damaged enough and it changes your outlook.

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fair dos...i will carry on NC.....but its v hard....she finished with me cos she said she didnt have the energy to make it work (got a lot on + suffering from depression).....at this stage i would like to reconcile but i feel she almost feels like the one whos been dumped...so am i ruining my chances by NCing her...what do people think?..

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Rus.. u can do better.. she sounds like a bag of drama!.. and sounds like she has you hooked pretty bad. She doesnt have the energy to make it work, why should you drain yourself when she doesnt feel like TRYING at all. She's immature and you really do need to move on. Sorry to be so blunt, but i see you making excuses for her and that is just wrong. Every one has drama that can depress them, it's no excuse to manipulate you and treat you like a doormat. RUS, she will only do to you what you ALLOW her to do. DONT ALLOW her to abuse your kindness. There is a really nice girl out there for you, how can u go gether when your hands are tied bythis EX?

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fair dos...fair dos....i know what ur sayin and it is difficult and i fully understand when u say my hands are tied...ur right but not by her but myself...i gotta get a grip...i know there is a woman out there for me but i just wanna be happy with myself first...maybe thats the crux...maybe im missing the relationship and not the girl...who knows?????


but thanks again

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