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I've dated a lot of men... but I've never had a good relationship


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I really can't believe how many people are in unfulfilling relationships...


Anna_K: I think that might be the reason why I'm taking political science. I realize how crazy this world is and I want to do whatever I can to change any fraction that I can...I'm not sure that I was unloved as a child, but I did feel kind of separated and different from most others when I was younger.


I think we all have these issues, though. Life is difficult and makes no sense most of the time...but I guess we just have to push on and be the best that we can be.

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It is very saddening to hear that. You deserve much better than that......you really do. I wish someone would bake me a pie - hee hee.


He doesn't value you at all. I don't understand why they don't see the value in us. But there's got to be better out there.....there's got to.


It's Ok. I've been divorced from him for years now.

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I'm really starting to wonder if there are really people out there that have fulfilling relationships.


It's tough, but the more I read, the more I try to incorporate what I learn about life and love into my life. I think a great quote is one by C.S. Lewis. It's not a romantic quote, and it's not a passionate quote, but I think it speaks truest to fulfilling relationships and love.


"Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as it can be obtained." - C.S. Lewis

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Kalika, there are people in fulfilling relationships. The one I'm in is good in many ways and probably is very good. I have an overload of relationship anxiety and find problems where someone else wouldn't, but I love her deeply and hope it will last the rest of my life. It can be done. I read your comments in this thread and believe I could offer you some life-changing advice, but you have to be open minded and want to hear it. Most people really don't want to acknowledge that thay have to change to improve. If you want to hear it, I want to share it. If you want to know who died and made me an authority on such matters, I'd be pleased to share that too.


I'll definitely listen to whatever you have to say!! I'd be happy to hear another person's perspective.

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