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Friends lied about trip

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ok heres the story, me and my g/f wanted to go on a trip down south for reading week, so we decided to try and get some people to go with us, mainly our two good friends who have also been dating, the guy is more so my really good friend. So he does all the planning etc. Me and here had it in our heads that we wanted to go to CUBA, but then my friend "Mason" we'll call him, told us that he didn't want to go there, b/c of various reasons, me and my g/f didn't put up a fight, we just went along to make him happy. Make a long story short, we booked with our school b/c it was cheaper, and the day we book, me and my g/f booked, they had not yet, he tells me that he is not going, b/c of a list of reasons, from money (which is bogus b/c his parents would pay for it, his parents are fine financially) and the he doesn't feel like spending his money on things like a trip in his life right now,


So this had me and my g'f really pissed off, we planned this whole thing around these two to make them happy, and now they aren't going, and didn't tell us till later on, way later on, not to metion give us dumb excuses.


So over time we got over it, (I live with this guy, he's one of a few roomates) then comes yesterday, we all decide to go to a party, after a few minutes at the party, my g'f come over and says she has to tell me something, i go over, she tells me that both of them are going to BC to go snowboarding with our other friends, a couple and another friend of ours. My g'f takes me down stairs and starts bailing her eyes out, Mason comes down a few minutes later and tells me he has to talk to me, I reply "i already knwo everytihng" so i just stand there as he lists off his reasons, "i didnt know when to tell you, i know you were gonna get pissed, this trip is cheaper, " etc.


So now here are my thoughts, and why I am angered at this,


1) At first when he said he wasn't going the first time, he said it was about money, that he was the only one paying for everything, that he thought lots of our friends would go and that now that it was only us 4 then its not as much fun. Fine, yes there were more people going but why go through all that trouble going to agents, etc. telling us they wanted to go. So here the real problem with all this, he said he didn't want to go b/c of money, yet now he is paying to go to BC? so he obviously lied about not having money etc.

2nd, if he was so concerned with going with another couple, why is he going with another couple, and another friend, this new guy is fun, but he's kinda slow upstairs, but to me one extra person doesn't make too much of a differece.


2) He's just lying this whole time, making excuses, I dont know for sure how long he knew a) he wasn't going to go on the trip with us in the first place, b) how long he knew he was going to BC before telling us.

Yes it was going to hurt regardless but he told me after the first incident, that he should have told me sooner about his plans, then he turns around and does the same thing a few weeks later.


I dunno maybe I am just angry at nothing, although I sure as hell do not think so, and i just tihnk this guy is a party animal, and he is a good guy, but he rather be the center of attention in front of 5 people, instead of 4. I thought he was a good friend, he was when me and mygf broke up, but all we did was go out and drink and do stupid stuff like healways does, to be the center of attention. I guess he wasn't such a good friend after all.


Your thoughts? am I over-reacting, ?

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If I were you, I would be pretty angry too... some of my friends can be pretty flaky like this and it absoloutely drives me up the wall. the thing i've learned though is that you can't let it get to you...because this is your friend, and causing a big deal about it will just make him not interested in going places with you even more, yano? Yah, your friend was out of line, and you have a reason to be angry certainly, but at this point there is nothing you can do about it - so try to make the best of yuor trip anyway.


Maybe there are other lingering reasons why he didn't want to go.... but either way, don't let it get to you - and keep it mind for next time you try to plan something big like this - that he may be a good friend, but maybe not the kind of friend you travel with or plan with.

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I just dont feel right about being all chumy with him so soon, it's a crappy situation, he came down to my room today to talk and he gave all his reasons about not wanting to ask his parents for money etc. Which may be true, but IF he asked Im sure they would not object, they would put up a fight but eventually they would agree.


I just dont feel like talking to the guy for a while, get a break which will be hard if he lives with me,

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