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Any tips on this speech I have to make?? *Nervous*

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Not the usual question you see on enotalone, but I need help none the less!!


My two best friends are getting married early next year, she's like a sister to me, and he's a good friend.


She's asked me to make a speech at the wedding, maybe write a poem, or read someone else's, or just make a speech!! It's at the actual ceremony, I'll be the only 1, I'm the maid of honour, and I know it'd mean so much to her. I'm a confident person but this seems to be very nerveracking!! I love her, she's like a sister to me, so I don't want to let her down. Any1 know any good ideas, or websites, or what to talk about??




Thanx in advance!



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I had the same experience just beginning of this year when I had to hold a speech as the best of man at my brother's wedding.

I can give you the following advise. Keep your speech no longer than three to five minutes long...after that people get quite uneasy. Try to talk about how you got to know your friends and what you experienced with them...basically share somethin that means a lot to you and them...maybe something funny or something more deep meaningful. Make it funny, but don't put them in a wrong light in front of the others.

Hope that helps a bit. You will do just fine



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You have shown amazing talent on this forum with your poetry. I would think the best way to express your feelings and emotions at this happy day for your friend would be to write a poem that comes from the heart. Don't put too much pressure on yourself for saying the "right" thing. She's your best friend, you'll know what to say if you listen to yourself. I have faith in you and I'm sure your friend does as well. Otherwise she would not have asked this great favor. I wish you luck.



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ive got a best mans speech 2 do next may and im bricking it, also im the best man obvousily and the ex is maid of honour(there are closet friends) anyway thats a whole different story any way by then i could be married myself!


u will be fine, if its anything like ur poems it will be quality...but i know ur worried about the delivery of the speech, thats what im worried about and also people not laughing at my jokes! i say have a large drink before hand and relax! what do they say imagine the audience naked!

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