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I am new to this. And I could really use some help. A couple of months back my ex decided she wanted to take sometime away from our relationship to think. As the weeks ticked by, I found out she was dating someone else. What do I do??? I am still have feelings for this person eventhough I do not want them. How do I handle the rejection and move forward with my life? It is hard for me to do this because we have been on and off for the past 2 years and I want to end the cycle of me getting hurt by this person. Can someone please help me with this???](*,)

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By not going into a relationship expecting it to work out just because it concerns you.And knowing that a woman can pack her bags and leave anyday, makes you more or less prepared if a situation like this occurs, moreover that she has moved to someone else means that you aren't her nr.1 in life, you deserve to be nr.1 in the life of your partner, or in other words she isn't even worth wasting your time on.

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I guess you are right. I am young and have a bright future. This all comes at a time I thought everything would be ok though. I graduate from college in 3 weeks. I always pictured her being there for me and making a future with her and her kids. I deserve to be No 1. I just wish things would have worked out in another way.

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