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what is over the line? and should i even bother?

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Well...i was cleaning up my room and i found a few things that the ex gave me that i keep that are special to me...and so it got me thinking about the upcoming holiday and since it is her favorite holiday i cant just keep NC forever. i dont want to break NC but i really want to contact her in SOME way...and i figured an ecard would be perfect. i picked a card that just simply says happy vday...nothing more, i dont want it to mean something...i just want to let her know that i still think about her and i wonder how she is. So...i guess what im wondering is, should i? i would like to...and what is the line? is an ecard already over the line? i mean since it is a valentines day card. I want to contact her...but not directly...no emails or texts or anything...an ecard would be perfect...i am still not over her...and i still love her alot. Would it set me back too much? Its been about 3 months of NC...so anyways, thanks in advance

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If she broke up with you and hasn't made any attempt to establish contact with you since the breakup, then I wouldn't send her a card, e-card or otherwise. If she doesn't respond or responds negatively, your healing will be set back.


I know its hard to move on when someone you love has left you. But move on you must, otherwise you run the risk of stagnating in that stage of grief.


Good luck!

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I would have to agree with the previous poster. Contact with an ex is fine unless you still have the feelings for them. Wait until you've completely healed and are past the desire to be with them. If you still want that person in your life as a friend, make contact them...but also be aware that she may not be over you and may need MORE time to heal. So you must make sure she knows you are just wanting to remain friends, which can hurt if done too soon.

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