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Interest dropping off?


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Hi guys. Recently I've been getting some interest from women on OkCupid, three of whom have messaged me after reading my profile. For all three (one of whom I had a date with), they've suddenly dropped off communication after a while of talking. For example, the most recent one I was talking with through OkCupid for a few days, then MSN for a few days, then she basically dropped off the face of the earth from what I can see. I'm guessing she's blocked me from MSN since I haven't seen her online there in five or so days and she has been online on OkCupid. I don't think I'm being needy; once I send a message to her I leave it in her court and don't bother her or anything.


I'm new to this (and dating in general, for that matter... my previous relationship was my first real one) so for those of you doing the online dating thing: is this common? I fear I might be coming accross as boring... obviously you guys can't tell me this, but at the risk of (temporarily) losing some anonymity, here (was) my profile. My conversation strategy thusfar has been basically to mix asking questions and relating some of my own experiences. I think I have a pretty good balance, and I don't think it's something specific I've said that have caused them to lose interest (certainly not coming on too strong, I've kept it very light so far). So far I've avoided messaging them after this sudden drop in communications, as mine is generally the last message sent. Do you think I should just shrug it off as their loss, or is there something I could do to improve my chances next time?

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I do think you should shrug it off. You sound like a normal guy with plenty of interesting things going on. You may want to be open about what you are looking for in a relationship and be more of a flirt in your profile - some girls may think you are just looking for a friend, even though you are on a dating site!


Otherwise, just be happy these girls dropped off since they were not feeling your vibe - it would be better to have someone want to pursue you - stay on messenger to stay in touch - right?


Dating sites can work - but it's only a possibility. I know a guy who went on dating sites for years and still ended up marrying a girl he met through work.

Continue the site - but never rely on it.

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Shrug it off. Thing is, its not really dating if you haven't gone out, so how do you "break up" with someone you haven't even dated yet? I would imagine they either thought you weren't interested in dating (too many chatty emails without asking a girl out would do that) or didn't think you were compatible.


I get the exact same thing with guys online.

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