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hello everyone, just a quick post, dont have much time.

in short

we have been in a long distance rel with my partner, live in different countries, far away. the country i live in is crap, dont want to bother saying its name.

he comes from a good place so he is used to a normal good life. here i live in a rental apartment which makes it harder cause usually its a lot crappier than ur own.

anyway he came here for 3 months, we had plans of him staying longer after, as long as some paper works done.

now things been going wrong, things breaking in this place, he hasnt been able to have a good sleep, have a normal shower. it annoys me too of course, but im used and strong and can handle. he cant. he wants to go back soon and doesnt feel like doing anything anymore.

i want to save the relationship.

help me find works. cause i know there are things we can do to live together in his place sometime


sorry have to go

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Personally i would go to his country to live with him. Tell him your busy arranging the paper work, and that you want to marry him and live forever with him. Even if things fail, just get into a country that gives better chances. But also remember that life is what you make of it, make sure you make a positive impact on your environment.

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if things are getting out of hand where you live and he is no longer comfortable there and wants to go back, let him go back. if he has seen your living condition and he truly cares about u, he will at some point ask u to go live where he is, not let u stay there. u should also talk to him and ask him how he feels about u possibly going to live where he is. i don't know how long u both have been together but the best thing to do is talk to him and feel him out. hope this helps!

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thank u for ur replies.

we have been together for 5 years.

and yes id love to go live with him and he would love me to also, of course. its just complicated with all the laws and rules, its hard to work out, but we want to.

today things are better and i am trying my best to stay positive and keep him comfortable. i know things are horrible here but im used to it and learnt to treasure good things and am strong in the end.

yes ill try to remain positive and supportive no matter what, we do love each other and personally id even live in a cave as long as its with him, i hope we will get to move together soon.

thank you

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