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My half brother is homosexual and my mom doesn't accept him

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My half brother is homosexual and my mom doesn't accept him. She doesn't like homosexual people. I wan't to know how I can get my mom to like him better. My half brother doesn't even want to come up here to see the rest of the family because of the way that my mom feels about him.


Thank you.


spencerbandit88 (IM NOT THE HOMOSEXUAL ONE!!!!)

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oooh that's a hard on.


Well for first you have to make your mum realize that no matter what he is interested in he is still a person with feelings. There can be allot of things people don't like about one another but it's what's inside that counts.


Tell your mum you were brought up to love everyone and to get on with people no mater what race, sex or age there are so what's wrong with likening a guy instead of a gal.


Make her think what an example she Is setting for you. Cos down the line with can be a problem for all your family. Tell her to look inside not his interests,


Hope this helps.

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I had a friend in a similar situatiion, he found it hard coming out to his mum and dad, and they didn't react the way he hoped, they actually threw him out.


I spoke to his mum, and she was convinced it was a faze he was going through, this man was 23 and I knew it wasn't a faze, so in order 4 her to see that he had to give it time, after 3 months he was living back at home. I think she needed time to accept it and realize it wasn't a faze. But she also realised that this was her son and she loved him no matter what. So give her time, let her deal with it in her own way.


Good luck

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Dearest one,

Your mom is the only one who can decide if she will accept him or not. No one can make her decide. And it may be she never will but your half brother should stand strong and firm in what he believes in. Just because he decided to go that path is no one's right but his own. Where is the unconditional love here? People are so cruel it's sad. But they are cruel because they themselves are not happy with their lives so they push it out on others. It's great your dad accepts him maybe he'll pass influence on her in some way.

Be Well,


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I think that maybe you should support your half bro and always talk positive about him in front of your mom and hopefully one day she will open her eyes and see that hes not different from anyone else he just has different taste.


anyways it might take awhile for her too see so always talk positive around her about him.


Good Luck

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Hello, and thank you all for your help.


The one problem is that my half brother will not come up here. He lives in a different state than we do. He was going to come up here but didn't because he doesn't feel wanted. The reason that he doesn't want to come up here is because he doesn't feel wanted around my mom and my mom doesn't like that he is a homosexual. I think that she thinks if I hang out with him he might turn me that way. (I would never turn that way no matter what you couldn't give me a million dollars to be like that. NO offence to those of you who are that way)


Once again thank you all for your help.



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