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How do I deal with bossy managers?

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I'm a cashier/host on training, and I feel like I got it down. Still, the manager tries to make sure I'm doing everything right, and she sometimes even jumps in my way while I'm getting ready to do whatever what she's doing. I have a little trouble when she stands there watching me, so it makes it a little harder to do my job.

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I would give it a little bit of time for now, since you're still "in training." Maybe once the training period is formally over, your manager will ease up a little bit. After all, how will she know that you're fully ready unless she watches you every once in a while?


If her behavior continues, however...What has worked for me in the past is just glancing their way on a regular basis to let them know that I'm aware of their presense, and maybe do my work a little more deliberately (like emphasizing my actions)...After a while they seem to realize that they're not wanted.

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I agree! You are still in training and although I understand your nerves, it's a lot worse when your manager doesn't help and doesn't watch you at all!!! Imagine trying to guess how to do your job.


While she's standing over you, I'm sure that there are many other employees who she isn't hovering over. Soon enough you will become one of them, just be patient with her.


Whenever possible, try to reassure her. Let her know what duties you feel comfortable with. And before she jumps at a job, say something like "I'll give that a try" or "Do you want me to do that?" It is quite possible she is unaware that you are starting to feel comfortable with certain things.


Hang in there!

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I agree! You are still in training and although I understand your nerves, it's a lot worse when your manager doesn't help and doesn't watch you at all!!! Imagine trying to guess how to do your job.


Exactly what happened to me a couple days ago. I was sent to work at the other restaurant because they needed help. It was my first time working there and being a waiter too. None of the managers spoke English, all Chinese. I didn't really know what to do, and the other employees seemed busy. I got a little help and started getting the hang of it after I dropped a plate of food on the main floor.

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