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Update on me

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Background: My ex dumped me on thanksgiving citing "needing time to figure herself out" and told me she didn't know when she could ever talk to me again. I hung on to hope right through Christmas, clinging to any sort of sign that she was thinking about me. Then, I finally allowed myself to stop protecting her and got mad at her for doing this, and that was when I was able to let her go.



Since then, my life has been AWESOME! I have been way too busy to even think abouy my ex much, and when I do, I think "what was I ever thinking loving her???" I have been dating again, and that is going very well. I've met so many interesting and exciting women, women who actually LIKE me (unline my ex) and want to talk to me and spend time with me. It was actually a little overwhelming for a while. I found myself so busy that I actually had to break down and get a cell phone, something I managed NOT to have for the last 8 years. I am back in the swing of things at work, and that is going very well, and classes start up tomorrow night. I'm actually beginning to wonder how I will fit school into my schedule now that I am so busy! LOL


Most imporantantly, I am HAPPY. Happy with myself. Happy with my life. And Happy that this happened. I did not realize how miserable I really was in my last relationship until it was over and I was forced to detach from it. Now that I have, I can clearly see the things that were wrong with us, and I know that they would have eaten at me slowly over the years until they consumed me. That is no way to live. I deserve someone who treats me the way I deserve, not someone who throws just enough bones to keep me sniffing at her back door.




So cheer up, it really does get better. And stop chasing them. It does not work, and you will only feel silly later on when you realize how you chased after someone who did not want to be chased. Best to just let them go, and you go in the opposite direction. If they ever do want you back, make THEM make that effort, but do not count on that. Live for yourself. Live for today. But most imporantly, JUST LIVE!

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Congrats dnozzle! It's good to know that you are so happy and it shows just how helpful "letting go" of your ex can be to getting your life back on track.


I am in the process of letting go right now and have found it incredibly difficult. However, knowing that it is the best for me in the long run and is the best method to make this pain go away is very motivational.

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