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For the Ladies, Who have been pregnant or are!


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I am just around 13 weeks. When I was at work I started getting really bad pains on my lower stomach. When I stood up and walked around it got to the point where I wanted to cry, and I got really dizzy. As soon as I sat down it went away. The obgyn doctor that was on call said I had a upper respitory infection, and need to go on a bland diet. Does any one else have any clue about what this could be and why it happened. I mean could it hurt the baby or effect it even though it is killing me? Please help I am at a lose. All the doctor cared about was if I am bleeding or not. I wasn't so he didn't seem like he was really listening. Any help?

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Did you actually see a doctor or did they just talk to you on the phone? WAs this your doctor or one at his practice?



I was going to ask the same questions that southerngirl posed to you. Also, I wouldn't tend to think that upper respiratory infection would cause lower stomach pains. I am no doctor, so thats just my opinion.


If you didn't actually see a doctor in person , I think you should , just to be on the safe side.

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Having a respiratory infection wouldn't really affect your lower abdomen so much but more your...um.. respiratory system, lungs, throat, nasal passages....etc.


I agree that you should go to the ER.


The ON-CALL OBGYN Dr was right to ask about bleeding though. That would be an indication of something really serious. Esp so early on. However, abdominal pain and dizziness are not good signs either. Go somewhere ELSE and been seen asap.

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Like I said they don't want to see me unless I am bleeding. I just talked to the ob on call, and he said from the symptoms I told him that it sounded like that. So the ER is out of the question, I don't think it is that serious. I was jsut wondering if anyone went through this. The pains. I thought it was just my uterus stretching, but it hurts really bad. I dunno any clues?

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The ER is NEVER out of the question.. They HAVE TO SEE YOU! they cant turn you away being pregnant and having these symptoms. And if they try telling you that then hun its time to find another doctor. When I was pregnant I went in over the craziest things but I was always told "better safe than sorry" by my OB's they would rather see you and it be nothing than it be something and you find out three weeks later you had a miscarriage. I would definitely go into the ER.


THe OB you talked to sounds like a total quack, Im not a doctor and the symptoms you describe sound nothing like a URI I dont know where he gets his info but I would try to steer clear of him.

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I had some bleeding when I was 11 weeks pregnant, before that I had that pain in the lower abdomen that you mentioned.


I didn't think it twice, I went to the ER, had and ultrasound and was diagnosed with a subchorionic hematoma. I was sent to bed rest for two weeks and in my opinion that really helped.


The hematoma resolved itself and I'm currently 36 weeks pregnant.


Make sure you go to the ER so they can tell you exactly what's going on and tell you what to do so you can continue with a healthy pregnancy.

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