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What can i do to get these trust issues out of here

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Am i the type to self destruct? Everytime i seem to have something good in my life, i mess it up. Once i find someone that i truly care for...my heart starts again to wonder... Am i afraid to share something on a romantic level with someone. i have been hurt so many times...maybe its a trust issue. Maybe im attracted to the people who i cant be involved with because its safe.No chance to be rejected...no chance of getting hurt. Is it wrong to be scared of being cared for by someone who you care for urself. Is it wrong to be attracted to more than one person at a time? I mean on one hand im really excited to be with this one person, but yet im also kind of curious as to what it would be like with this other person.This person who i cant be with. Things between me and person A are perfect, really sweet, romantic and playful. But this other person and i just mesh really well. He also hits on me shamelessly which makes things tough for me not being used to this type of treatment. Hes been dating his girlfriend for 2 years and loves her, but the way he acts gives the feeling that he has feelings for me too. Even my friends have noticed it. i feel like an awful person feeling like this. I mean person A i would go to the depths of hell for. Maybe im just uncomfortable with the fact that i dont know if he feels the same. I mean he seems to ...but is he the type to just lead me along and then one day be like , i never really liked u in the first place. Im scared that the only reason he likes me is because i like him and he feels he cant do any better, so hell just settle for me...it really sucks. Im really bitter, and apprehensive about relationships with anyone. Im afraid to open up and really let someone in. Im just purely afraid. I know im young, but i have the mindset of someone like20 years my senior. If anyone can help me get my head together...it would be much appreciated

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I think your best bet is to trust the ones whose actions speak louder that their words. If you wait a while before giving yourself to them sexually, you will weed out the ones who just want to use you.


Take it really slow, yet be open to the fact that there are kind people out there and you deserve happiness and it's possible.




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