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ur probably sick of me but im back for help (again)

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Ur probably how one 13 year old could have sooo many problems and make as many posts as i have in the past week. the truth is that they all could've been put in 2 posts. But neway here's another and this is my problem. As u might already no i am in love. My g/f unfortunately lives accross the bay (chesapeake). neway we love each other very much and are doing quite well. We talk to each other almost everyday online or otherwise. We tell each other that we love each other a lot. Sometimes she'll say (quite out of the blue often after sayin that we love each other) that she doesnt want to break up with me. I'll of course say the same. But then she seems to express some doubt. When i ask what the matter is she says its nothing and doesnt concern me. I feel it does but i dont pry. So now im concerened that she might be considering breaking up even though we dont want to. It might have something to do with the fact that we dont see each other much b/c of the distance or that she might be afraid the i might dump her. But in reality im sticking by her to he very end. I'm probably goin to tell her this and i definetly just decided i am. However im not sure this will eliminate her doubts. so i guess im just askin for any consolation or suggestions as how to see her more and show her that im not goin to dump her.

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here's an example of what im talkin about taken directly from an im (here i think i find out what the matter is) this time i pryed a little:


FrEaKyVoOdOoDoLL: im still confused tho haha

Mashooginayiddle: about what

FrEaKyVoOdOoDoLL: what manda said.. its just..

Mashooginayiddle: just...?

FrEaKyVoOdOoDoLL: no.. nuthin...

Mashooginayiddle: tell me

Mashooginayiddle: plzzzzzzzzz

FrEaKyVoOdOoDoLL: u dont wanna no...

Mashooginayiddle: i do

FrEaKyVoOdOoDoLL: ha,, no

Mashooginayiddle: w/e it is i can take it

Mashooginayiddle: come on just tell me plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

FrEaKyVoOdOoDoLL: haha.. no u cannt really u'll be mad at me

FrEaKyVoOdOoDoLL: and im not gonna tell u

Mashooginayiddle: i wont

FrEaKyVoOdOoDoLL: hah.. u will

Mashooginayiddle: come on...plz...i promise

FrEaKyVoOdOoDoLL: no.., cuz i know u'll get mad.. and i dont want ne thin to happen

Mashooginayiddle: oh come on

Mashooginayiddle: i wont

Mashooginayiddle: i promise it wont

Mashooginayiddle: w/e it is i can deal with it

FrEaKyVoOdOoDoLL: i dunno..

Mashooginayiddle: plzzzzzzzzzz

FrEaKyVoOdOoDoLL: i really shouldnt...

Mashooginayiddle: come on

Mashooginayiddle: u can tell e

Mashooginayiddle: *me

FrEaKyVoOdOoDoLL: well i..

FrEaKyVoOdOoDoLL: umm..

Mashooginayiddle: u what

FrEaKyVoOdOoDoLL: kinda like jimmy as.. more than a friend.. i still kinda like him...

Mashooginayiddle: ahhhhh

Mashooginayiddle: i c

FrEaKyVoOdOoDoLL: c

Mashooginayiddle: yeah well

Mashooginayiddle: see i can deal with that

FrEaKyVoOdOoDoLL: no...

FrEaKyVoOdOoDoLL: i know ur mad at me

Mashooginayiddle: no im not

Mashooginayiddle: i understand

Mashooginayiddle: its ok

FrEaKyVoOdOoDoLL: no...

Mashooginayiddle: no?

FrEaKyVoOdOoDoLL: i no ur mad..

Mashooginayiddle: im not

Mashooginayiddle: if i was mad i'd get off or put on an away message and not come out of my room for a few days

Mashooginayiddle: dont worry

FrEaKyVoOdOoDoLL: hah... but...

Mashooginayiddle: i'll be here with ya

Mashooginayiddle: but? im not mad

FrEaKyVoOdOoDoLL: i feel bad...

Mashooginayiddle: u shouldnt

FrEaKyVoOdOoDoLL: i do... cuz it makes it sound like i lov eu less

Mashooginayiddle: it doesnt

Mashooginayiddle: i no u dont

FrEaKyVoOdOoDoLL: yea... but i feel bad

Mashooginayiddle: its ok u have no reason to

FrEaKyVoOdOoDoLL: i cant talk to u rigt now...

Mashooginayiddle: im not mad at u. i no u still love me just as much. i still love u. I'm always gonna be here


then she put on her away message and it was sorta end of the discussion...maybe i shouldnt have pryed...i'm not mad and i can deal with this completely...im just worried about her. i dont want to lose her.


just now she imed me again but this time i forgot to copy it. so i really shouldnt have pryed. she told me she wants to break up. All i could was ummmm...i was really speachless. I mean did i cause this? so this is just great...we love each other, make each other laugh, and my curiosity blows it all to hell. i dont no what to do. i told her that she should do what she needs to do and now shes gone. damn me. god damn me. i no i shouldnt be hard on myself but right now i feel like i caused this.i told her that i would be here for her and i dont really no what to do. I'm gonna try to repost so more ppl will see this.

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