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Has anyone read the article: DON'T CALL THAT MAN!: A SURVIVAL GUIDE TO LETTING GO by Rhonda Findling...is this similar to a the grief pattern of lossing someone in death? Is this also similar to the pattern of getting over a painful crush and rejection?


When I liked my guy...I only liked him for a week before I was suddenly on school holidays and realising with shock and horror I would not see him again ever at my school. I suppose I only liked him with him actually around for such a short length time, the feelings were very intense plus it was very early into that period that they would of all contributed to the feeling that it felt like my crush had died or something like that.


So having my crush torn away from me from such an early time...is this similar to the that Break up Guide thing??...I was wondering because I went thru similar stages listed in the Break up Guide...at first I was numb and in denial...then I was very depressed and refused to do anything...I was angry...then suddenly cheerful and then depressed again..this went on for around 6 months...before finally telling him I liked him. I was rejected on the fact he thought it was a joke and dismissed me even when he knew it wasnt a joke. So I grew into deep depression again and then severe anger at him...but then I decided to do something about it and get over him for good.


Im almost over him thanks to articles like these and support from friends and this forum...but Im asking is grief and loss of any kind from losing a crush to losing a sister to death follow similar emotions, patterns, behaviours? Or do people being unique as they are grieve in their own way?

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I do not think the death of a human will ever compare the loose of a relationship.


A crush! HA ! A crush is nothing it is like the flavor of the month or year.


I never think about a crush anymore!


Try to get over loosing someone you have loved for your whole life , like a mother , sister.


If you are trying to get over a boy. It will take time you just have to trust that things will get better! Good Luck!

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