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Parents not liking your OA

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Im not sure if this is the right place to put this, nor do I have a problem with this I just thought it would be an interesting topic to find out.


When I use OA, I use it to mean object of affection because I am not sure that a boyfriend/girlfriend counts as a SO yet. Well where I am getting at is that what role does parents feelings about your OA play?


I am curious because yea people say it doesn't matter what your parents think, but somewhere inside you've got to be asking some kinda questions because (assuming you lived in a trusting household) these are the same people you have trusted your whole life and when they tell you they don't like your choice, but you do, something has to be going off inside that maybe something is wrong that you don't know.


Yes I realize not everyone lived in a trusting household and have been completely independent their whole lives and I can see how parents are a non-factor there, but in the otheris what I am getting at.


This question arose when I evaluated the couples I know. Sure its only six couples, but there are two of them where one set of parents doesn't like their childs choice. What I have noticed is that they seem to have a few problems in their relationship that the other four don't seem to have and I wonder if that has anything to do with what their parents think.

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I'm quite confused as to what you are getting at. You started with OA... then didn't explain where the parents are confused/annoyed etc.


I thought by the way you worded your definition of Objects of Affection, that it was like PDA (Public displays of affection).


So anyways, you are saying that 2 relationship's parents don't like who the kid is dating. Sure it "doesn't matter" but it does matter for the child-parent relationship. I think that its typical for parents to feel that way. And at that age children are experimenting... so who REALLY cares who they are dating? They need to find their own partner, not parents finding it for them.


Hope I responded effectively.

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