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im pretty sure this is the right forum for this topic...but lately (last two days) i've been having this weird feeling. Like im floating, or that im not really "here" and like im going to faint. i feel week and it seems like things are spinning, but my eyes see that nothing is spinning. im thinking that this is some kind of spiritual thing but could this be some form of illness?

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I do not wish to discount a spiritual reason for what you're experiencing.

First, though, maybe we can consider if there are physical reasons?


Are you eating enough and healthily?

Are you getting enough rest?


Now, I sometimes have experienced something similar but *mine* is set off by my anemia.


Have you considered discussing this with your doctor?

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Anemia (or "without blood") occurs when the level of healthy red blood cells in the body becomes too low.


Listen, sweetie, please don't worry prematurely The reason for your symptoms may lie elsewhere. So don't worry for now but please do consider consulting with a doctor, who's the only one in a position to give you the most accurate diagnosis.


I hope you feel better soon, JYAG!




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Ellie is right. The first thing you should do is to rule out a medical cause for what's happening to you with a visit to your doctor. There are so many things that could cause faintness and a "floating/spinning" feeling, that the best way to figure out what it is, is to make a call and set up an appt- asap.


It is not something that should be put off- do you have someone who could drive you in to be seen today?

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well i cant go see the doctor today because i have too much stuff to do...i'll probably be able to see one on tuesday


You will make your own decisions- but your health should take priority, so if there is something that can be moved around to a later date I would suggest you do that.

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