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Penny for your thoughts?

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Since my EX broke up with me I've been slowly recovering. I've listened to what several of you suggested and incorperated it into what followed after the break-up.


Since then, i've limited my talks to nearly zero. Which keeps my mind off her a bunch, and i'm enjoying myself without her.


Anyways, she's noticed we're not talking as much as we used to and confronted me about it. I wrote to her later on "I just don't think we should talk as much anymore, please respect my decision." And promptly removed her from any sources I could. (Aim, Myspace, etc)


So we barely talk anymore. (We work in the same job) I curtly nod at her when I see her, but I don't speak or even LOOK at her.


Fastforward a few weeks and she's trying to talk to me again. Recently she walked into my deskspace and hit me, yes hit me, accross the head. Not in a violent way, in a friendly way, then walked off.


Also, she's been trying to get my attention, and has been talking about random stuff again. EVEN though I asked her to quit talking to me.


So I know that all these things may mean nothing, but i'm bored, and I have time. So what should I make of this.


Thanks ~ Cheers

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It's pretty obvious she needs your attention because she's not getting it. Pretty normal response and of course working with her makes it harder. Just keep up the NC/LC due to the work environment but I would ignore her as best as you can. As a matter of fact, send yourself some flowers and watch the attention hound go in to over drive. In a few weeks put a picture of a hot chick on your desk, she will learn to stay away and finally respect your wishes. No means no, no matter the gender. If you were behaving this way she would call it harassment or stalking. Stay strong, she can offer you nothing but misery.



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Loving the advice there RC!


I'm in almost exactly the same situation as you Laywood and I feel your pain dude.


I've told my ex that it's all or nothing and only to contact me for work issues or if she wants to get back together. She repected that for all of a week and now she phones me for absolute BS work reasons and tries to turn it into a chat. Either that or she sends her spies to check up on me and what I'm up to.... People I've never spoken to that much dropping by my desk grilling me about what's happening in my life.


All very weird and annoying.


I think you, like me are handling it well though - keeping your chin up, being mature enough to smile, wave or say hello but having enough self-respect to not give them anymore than that.

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