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My friend..


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Okay, I have a friend that just broke up with her boyfriend because he was a jerk and she is semi happy about it..Now, I think I like her. Well, I love her acctually I've known her since I was really really young like 4 or 5 i'm 15 now, When she signed on AIM the first thing she said was that she was single.. Then when I left she said "luv ya bye" which isn't normal she never said "love" to me.. Anyway, I just want to know if I should try to go out with her and if so how would I get her to be really interested..

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Hmm, Well my Friend I understand your position, You trying to determine if that "i Luv ya Bye" was more than a Friendship Love..at your age, i would have to say "yes" i think she might be hinting* you into what she really thinks about you.



Or She could have put "luv" into a context of Friends. really hard to say... sounds more like she wanted to see what you were going to say back, that is why she left the conversation with "luv" rather than Cya' Or Later....I think you need to Take chance, But Be cautious it might be a Re-bound from her past relationship, and is using you To Get Over him, And no one wants to see you get Crushed or Hurt.


Iv 'e always said to myself 'Rushing Into Fast, Can't Bring back the Past"


Meaning: You take things to quick, and don't look at every good or bad Outcome, might get your feelings hurt, and We all know a Friendship -2- Relationship can sometimes KILL everything. to the point of no communication between either of you.


I would wait for things to settle down. Keep letting her know that your always around, as a Friend. and that your someone she can talk too. i think you have this in the bag, You Just need to Seal it.


It's Your Call My Friend Good Luck!

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It is really I weird situation because I have never acctually been in love but I really know I want it, I want her sometimes I get really unpatient and just let my feelings ooze out of my mouth especially online I can say anything online and not be scared..Anyway, she has never said "luv ya bye" before.. I mean one time I had to force her to tell me she loved me over AIM just joking you know.. She has never just said it. She has liked me in the past but I wasn't really interested in a relationship then.. Then she got this boyfriend I really hated him I told her and I told her friends that I hated him and that he was using her for pleasure (Which ended up being true).. She is really comfortable around me and I'm comfortable around her.. I dunno she isn't the really sensitive type of girl that if we ever broke up she would be like "OMG I HATE YOU" or anything.. I think she would be fine with it..

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