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Sailing with a new


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Sweet nights sail on by.

Long talks when we have other things

on our minds.

But you sing to me

as you talk about life and your past

maybe we'll see the deep other side

of one another, and perhaps it will last.


Even if it does not

and we fail hard

I don't mind grey skies.

Its the falling and failing

while flailing you are arms about

it's when your toes break

and knees give out.

I'll risk a few scars and keep letting you sing.

So I'll take this one on and sail these rocky seas.

Whether its hot or cold, small or bold, its worth it.

I'll sail with you.

I'll sail with you.

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I sailed. I set sail

I got to the dock

and watched you walk.

I sat down because i knew.

I saw you stumble

I saw you hesitate.

I watched you settle yourself

look into my eyes.

You stood there, for 5 hours,

you looked at me.


I saw you look to the side,

you took off your shoes

and you jumped.

I sat there, for 5 hours.

I sat there for a long time afterwards.

I'm not ready to sail,

I'm not here to win right now.

I must lose more.

What more can I lose now?

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The grey skies have come!

I'm drowning in the rain.

Too weak to stand

as that gaze has stunned me

I'm stuck in this growing puddle.

I've never felt so happy in my life.


I finally cried tonight. I

finally gave into myself.

Letting it all wash up on the dock

and destroy my boat.

As long as it was you, and

as long as it was my fault,

I'm glad to see my boat rock.

The sunrise will be beautiful.

Just without you.

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Is this one long poems or three poems that can be read separately as well as collectively?


Either way, a wonderful poem.


I love the way you allow the reader to trace the change of emotions from the first (poem) to the last.


I especially liked the fact that even though desperation prompts the speaker to destory the boat, it still remains rocking under the beautiful sunrise.

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