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Geeze, I'm a bit of a mess. I've taken the day off from work and told to take another day as well. They say get a doctors excuse. I have to concentrate hard at work for what I do but now I'm REALLY distracted.

Should I fell like a smuck for taking time for myself. I've yet to let loose emotionally.

Can't get thoughts off of the other person. I feel I need to have one last talk before NC. Afraid of NC cause the thought of never is frightening.

Now I'm starting to get mad. I want to scream, cry, fight, drink, sleep, erase my mind.

I'm better than this and I always knew I have to live for myself not for someone else.

I've screwed up bad on NC.

I did it for one day and felt good and strong. Then have made way too much contact since. Now I feel like a stupid puppy.

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It would be hard when the wound is still fresh.


You will make it sooner or better. Just remember when you are not at work find something to occupy yourself, because we tend to think about our ex when we are not occupied.


Even with the pain, please do not drink. Though it may drunken you to sleep but it does not solve your problem. You need to face and accept that the relationship is already gone. And move on for yourself.


Set your new year resolution to get yourself start moving towards your goal.

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I wouldn't take off work unless it is real danger to your job. Having the time off will just give you more time to think about the ex and drive you insane. I did that for 3 days after my breakup and got no where. As soon as I went back to work it slow and I mean slowly helped to get my mind off things. It took almost 6 months to go a day where I forgot to think about them for a few hours. And almost a year to not think about them for a whole day. I found it a slow processs, but NC really does speed this up. Good muck my man.

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hey elithepi i know you are going through a tough time right now. we all do after a break up and no you shouldn't feel like a smuck for taking time for yourself and begin letting the healing process take over. hey we are men and sometime our pride gets in the way so we refuse to feel our emotions or mask them to show we are strong. you need to let that negative energy out so i say have a good cry and get it out of your system. when my ex broke up with me i had a big cry and felt great afterwards. it feels good to get those emotions out in a positive way but not by alcohol or fighting. it is also good that you are realizing you do need time for yourself. we all need a little self pampering from time to time.


as for NC we have all screwed that up at one time or another so don't beat yourself up with the mistakes. you realized you made some mistakes now correct them by forcing yourself to sticking to NC until you feel good again. i am a very emotional person and i know i get hit with waves of emotions at different times but i am learning to work through them. we just have to be strong and believe in ourselves. like i told someone else we do not lack strength we lack will.


like guest said, get out and start making new friends or find some kind of hobby that will get your mind off of things. luckily i started graduate school before my ex broke up with me so i am already looking forward to next semester plus i have always wanted to learn to play the guitar so i am doing that as well. i have always worked out and continue to this day which helps get me out of the house and not to mention getting to see all the hotties at the gym. anyway my point is that this will pass as long as you stay strong and believe in yourself. give your self some time to grieve and remember you are not alone as we all have been in your postion. take care!

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