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i'm 13 goin out with a girl that is a week younger than me. Now do me a favor and believe me when i say this and dont just asume that cuz im only13 i dont no what im talkin about but i love her. we love each other very much. We have great times together and we recently shared our first kiss (not a french). It was my first ever and it was great. Neway the problems comes in b/c i dont no exactly how fast we're movin. Now i didnt post this for ppl to tell me that im too young for a french cuz trust me i've heard it b4. So iwas just wonderin about the dynamics if the time does come. Basically does it start out like a regular kiss? What exactly does ur tongue do? Are there different styles? And if i french her when shes just expecting a regular kiss what might happen to me (worst case senario sorta thing)?

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Aww, okay. Well I think u need to relax!!! First and foremost relax, dont worry about this. Like u said, if u love her, then the kiss'll feel lovely no matter what!!! Just open your mouth slightly and see what she does. Why not tell her?? Tell her what u want to do and she can reassure u, your bound to be nervous but enjoy it!! Just be gentle, loving, and soft and Im sure it'll be a great kiss!!


So please dont stress out about this and enjoy yourself!!


Good luck

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thanks for ur reply but it brings another issue. I think ur idea of telling her is great but i'm trying to be very careful about rushing and possibly scaring her off so i dont really no if i should tell her and if so how? i mean i dont no if im even ready let alone her. again i guess i'll no when the time comes but i'd like to have some idea of what to do.

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Okay, well if the feelings u 2 have 4 eachother are as real as u say, Im sure she will respect whatever you say.


Honestly I stressed about my first kiss, and now I look back, and just think 'what did I worry about'. Nobody kisses the same so just do what YOU think is right. Just be soft and gentle. It sounds like your very respectful of your girlfriend and she'll appreciate this, so tell her what u wanna do, but also say that if she isn't ready u will understand.


Good luck once again, and relax!!

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