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read this and help me out PLEASE :)

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hello everyone.




Recently i've told you stories about this other guy that I was "seeing" .. well let's just say it didn't turn out so good. I don't like him anymore..he was acting like an 8 year old and he was TOO clingy.




ANYWAYS,there's this boy who's been best friends with one of my guy friends for quite some time now..and I just noticed him like 2 or 3 months ago.

Once I saw him I was like "oh my god he's so cute!"..then he would go to the movies with my guy friend and his other friends..and I would go with my friend..and we'd all just start talking to eachother.




The first day he was at the movies,he was sitting down on the chair on the opposite side of me and he kept on STARING at me like non stop. My friend was laughing because she was scared,she thought he was going to jump on me or something.We didn't talk or anything because I kept blushing and practicly not even looking in his direction..I coudn't.





So me and my friend always went to the movies every friday night and saw him and his friends there..we never had a conversation but we would always LOOK at eachother..alot.My friend would notice it too.And he always had a big goofy smile on his face..and then my friend said out loud " Wow,you seem pretty happy.." and he was smiling all big and nodding. It was quite strange.




Weeks went by,we just kept looking at eachother..we never actually had a conversation.Then out of nowhere he added me on msn..so we started talking about random stuff,really.He'd ask me questions about the world and how many teeth a SHARK has. random stuff like that. And then he'd ask me about myself..what my favorite color is,what my favorite BIRD is (which was odd)..and so on.Once he asked me if i got my report card and i told him " oh no,i forgot!" and he was like "oh..you're going to get expelled now" ( and i believed him ! )



I was like " what!? are you serious !? " and then when he said " yeah..you might even get arrested.." ( I knew he was lying. ) then i was like " yeaah yeaah shut up. " and then he's like " No,i'm serious..I suggest you leave the country.." and I was like " i'm sure you'd love that! " and he was like " No,i'd leave with you" ....so yes. Is that kind of a sign that he likes me? Oh and recently..whenever I don't come to school he always asks me " were you at school today? " and when I say " no.. " he sais " oh..are you going to come tomorow!? "




But the thing is..why is he asking me that ? Because at school we don't even talk or anything. I barely see him because he's usually outside with all his friends..and just 2 days ago..he was walking to the lockers..and i was with my friends and I just stopped and saw him and he was looking STRAIGHT INTO MY EYES and I coudn't stop looking. It's like I was hypnotized. And then he just disappearED in all of the crowd. It was awkward.





oh and he keeps on asking me if i'm gonna go to the movies on friday..so yes..I really like this boy. I'm drawn to him more than any other guy i've liked.

So..can you tell me..what's going on here? Is this a start ? Does he like me ? Is he starting to like me ? I'm confused. Oh and he teases me on msn all the time..if that helps ? ahh.

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