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Its my ex's bday this weekend.


even though I have told her I dont want to be friends and not to contact me anymore I want to send her a card to show her that I care. I still feel so much love for her. I am not movindg on this week...I am wondering if I have done the wrong thing and telling her to stop calling me may have pushed her away...see its a balance isnt it... I want to move on, but I dont want to give up the chance that we may get back in the future. I want her is a subtle way to know that I am still here for her...without saying that.


I cant stop thinking about her, and its coming upto 2 months now that we have been separated. 2 weeks without any form of contact now. I have been in love before and have met many people... now I didnt want to marry her at the time...there was so much other things going on in my life (my mums death and starting my own business) but I cant stop thinking of her at all. She is in all my thoughts, I have been mountain biking alot. Excersise helps focus me and feel better about myself...but 50% of that time is used on thinking and analysing my ex. I am 28...so I have time to meet someone else, but I want to be with my ex...even though she has been horrible to me... not really nasty, just mindgames and being inconsiderate.


what will I do? argh......

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u r in such a similar situation to me, i have been split 3 months and its my exs b'day this saturday. we have remained in contact since the split, though i feel its me making the effort. anyway i will send her a card but im not sure of a present. i know shes out this friday nite to celebrate, as we shared the same friends i have found out they have been invited. i havent had an invite yet, now if were still the best of friends why havent i been invited then!!! we shall see if i get that invite...


anway for u its abit tricky u said u didn't want contact...i would still send a card, as u do still care and how could u forgot her b'day..to me the date will be etched into my memory!


i say got for it..just don't be to upset if u don't hear from her after!

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