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We got back together, but now what do i do?


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Its me again, I wrote in here a while ago when my gf of 2 yrs broke up with me becaus eof my jealousy... I have been working at it, and we got back together, and we are going strong....


However now she is old enough to go out to nightclubs etc, and I have to let her go (because I am no controlling n e more), however I still feel so insanly jealous, (yet i can control it more these days) I don't like that fact that she is out and guys are trying to pick her up...


How can I cope with this...? I need some good advice... PLEASE...

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im also the jealous type but i thought i would still reply to you.

You don't have anything to worry about if you no shes coming home to you, or to her own place. Have her to call you when she gets home. I wouldn't worry or be jealous unless she doesnt call u till really late.... and if she is out with her friends you definitly dont have anything to worry about. she loves you and she is only out to have some fun. not with other guys just with her friends. and im sure she's smart enough to no that the guys at clubs are mostl a bunch of gross perverts. Why would she want to be used when she has someone like you at home who loves her.

i go out to bars and clubs without my boyfriend because he is not of age and if a guy approaches me i either ignore him or talk about my boyfriend to get rid of him

dont fear she will get to drunk and something might happen, her friends are there to protect her.

hopefully ive helped you .

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  • 7 years later...

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