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Ok, so I need help getting over this


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Check it this out first before you post here so you know whats going on.


I have told a few people that I was over her and moved on. Unfornately, it would seem I either thought I did or was lying to myself but the fact remains that I am still not over her. One way or another.


I have given up all hope on this girl and now I have no choice but to move on.


So what is the problem? I don't think I can even have her as a friend anymore.


She won't return my comments anymore or messages(Although she does this sometimes anyway) and I talked to her friend today and she hasn't mention me at all.


Even though she says she wants to still be friends, I really don't think thats true and I don't know why she didn't just say "Well, You seem like a nice guy and all but I don't think we can be friends anymore sorry"


Ok, So she is leading me to believe that we can still be friends yet not act like a friend. * * *???


So I need help on moving on. Its not easy for me. I mean, its not like Im really lonely or anything because I do have "True friends" that really do care about me and such and I have told Katie that if she needed to talk with me about anything that I would be here for her, but it seems she doesn't really want that because all I get is a "Thanks".


So today on myspace I send her a comment saying "Hey just dropping by to say hi, how you been?"


I think its pretty rude that you don't reply back if someone took the time to send you something like that.


So whatever, obviously she doesn't want a friendship yet say she still wants to be friends..


Someone help me out here..-_-

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Alright, I have an update and it looks like I can continue a friendship with her, although we may not be that very close at all though, but at least its something.

I called her up today just to see what was going on. It has been over a week since I haven't talked to her so I decided why not give a shot and see where this goes. and no Im not trying to get her to like me or get her to date me anymore, so don't get any ideas.


We talked for a little but she seemed pretty tired so she didn't talk a whole but I have found out a few things about her



1. She said she was really depressed and has been like that for 4 months. I offered to talk with her whatever what was bugging her and confort her and asked her whats wrong. All I get is "Everything is wrong. My life sucks"


2. She said she wanted to stay single for a awhile. First she joked about it being single for 5 years than said " I dunno maybe like 1 year or something"


3. I told her I was going on a date tonight, she didn't react much to it. Although I really don't have a date tonight, im going to party and was invited by this girl so i guess its...somewhat true lol.


4. I told her I was sorry for my actions earlier and she said "Don't worry about it, its all in the past now".



I think I may still have a chance to be her friend and thats all Im aiming for right now. If I can be her friend at least than I would feel much better than just moving on and completely forget about her. I would like her as a friend.



This is my last request and that is to tell me the best steps into making her like me as a friend and help me not seem so needy and stuff like that.


Although if another problem comes up, I may post here again for advice but for right now, after this there may not be any problems for a little while.

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I can't believe Im still talking to her, It would be the best idea in the world to just forget about her but for SOME reason Im not giving up. I want to be something to her. Not a boyfriend obviously but, a good friend or an older brother, although she already claims that I am. I doubt she really means that. Anyway, the reason why Im posting again because of what happened this morning.


Like I said yesterday, she is depressed, so I thought maybe I could send her a message about it and try to help. I guess this was a bad idea because she....mad at me.


This is what I send her through myspace. I posted it elsewhere so I can show you what I wrote her.


link removed


after that she said " Hey thanks but that didn't really help. I feel worse because now I think about how lame my life is "


My responce to this was that it was the best advice I can give out to her since I don't know why she is depressed.


After that she send me a message saying " See, no one can help me with my depression"


I told her that no one can but herself and that maybe she should see a therpist.


This is when she got angry and said " I have too and STOP TALKING ABOUT IT!!!


My responces to this was " Im sorry I was only trying to help, I won't talk about it anymore but if you need anything Im here"


Unfornately though, this didn't stop her anger " I KNOW THAT YOU TOLD ME THAT EVERYTIME I TALK TO YOU OR SEE YOU GOD...Thanks for trying to help.



Ugh. Why do I deal with this crap?? why?? Why the hell Im I so freaking clingy to this stupid girl. Why can't I just stop talking to her and meet new people??


Ugh anyway. What do you guys think?? I thought she was wrong for reacted this way.

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I think you should give this girl some space. It really doesn't sound as if there is any chance of a relationship in the future. It seems to me that you are a little too needy and feel that by dragging her down, she might need you.


If she wants to talk to you then let her come to you but you, should stay away until you no longer need her in your life.

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wow.. yeah, step back COMPLETELY.. Don't contact her at all.. You know you can't be friends with her now. Despite what you say, you still want her as your GF. I can tell because I have beeen there before. Whatever you do, don't keep trying to find reasons to talk to her... Just back off... It obviously isn't helping what you are doing...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Its been almost 3 weeks now I think...


Im sorry to bring this old topic up again but I guess I just need to vent again.


I have not spoke or seen her in the past 3 weeks now. During this time I have been thinking less and less of her. but really, its more of an on and off thing. Sometimes I care and sometimes I don't...its really weird.


I can't even go on her myspace page anymore because I know I wouldn't be able to stand seeing her contact other guys and talking to them and such. Being all happy to get in contact and such and knowing that I may never get that from her for some reason.


Even thinking about it makes me upset because I think that really there is something wrong with me and that I've done something really really serious to her that made her not like me at all.....


Im sorry to bring her up again, I am doing better though its just that, she used to do that to me when she first met me and I probably should of asked her out back than when she was single so long ago. But that couldn't be helped because I had a girlfriend back than. When me and her talked, She told me alot of things so its like....I was someone she can trust but now I am not anymore....so its like I broke her trust in me.

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