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Dating "Quotes"

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Hey, flat out, I'm much too nervous to ask any girl out , haha. I was wondering if anyone had any effective lines for asking a girl out... That is one of my main problems, not knowing the right things to say...


Like what do you say when you are asking someone out, not just flat out "Wanna go out with me" right? There has to be other things.


Also what are nice compliment to give to a girl (not dating yet) that doesn't totally give away your motive? I'm so clueless!


Thanks for your help.

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well, assuming you see the girl often on a regular basis, you can compliment her by telling her she has a nice smile or pretty eyes or commenting on something she is wearing. That doesnt give away your true motive, but she will still be flattered. If you want to ask her out, dont imply a relationship right off the bat. Just say something like, "I was gonna go see that movie, ____, on Sat. with a few of my friends. Would you want to come?" having a group around on a first date is a good idea bc it takes the pressure off of you but you still can spend time together or even go off and be alone if you want. But if you do this, make sure you pay more attention to her than your friends. Or you could begin a long conversation with her whenever you see her and say, "look, I gotta go to class, but maybe we can pick this up over coffee after school?" or something to that effect. Hope this helps.

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Yah it does! Quite a bit, thanks.


But the thing is, one girl that I like is the sister of one of my friends, and two years younger than me (I'm 15, she's 13)... So if I invited her to go to the movie with "me and my friends", its might be awkward for her and my friends, cause they aren't friends and I doubt they would become friends (because of her being the sister of the other one).


Hahaha.... That might complicate things alot. Plus if I were to ask her out, it would be "looked down apon" by everyone in my grade. My school is pretty weird, lol.

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the first step to a gurls heart is dating, right? having a date for the first time involves a lot of problems especially the one that you have.


*firstly, in talking to a gurl whom you want for date, first you have to make the gurl feel at home with you. must do that by have a very simple conversation with her. maybe you talk about yourself and herself of course.

*secondly, as soon as you see any sign of interest on the part of the gurl, start asking her to have more conversation with you while having dinner outside for sometime. by that time things you have to say is not a problem anymore. because if you really feel that you have something for that gurl, everything will just flow out from your heart thru your lips she'll hear those dating quotes you wanted to say to her. no need to plan the things you want to say. it will just flow freely from you lips. that is because of your true feelings for her. planning will mean nothing but lies.

hope this will help you.

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