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I keep giving in! What is wrong with me?!

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Ok, to make story short. Ex and I broke up 3 weeks ago. It was sad but it wasnt painful. Due to our problems, I was able to feel same way as him by ending the relationship;although, he broke up with me. but it doesnt matter.


we were briefly in contact for a little bit and stopped. we got into an argument last friday about something stupid. so i told him lets stop talking cus i was mad n upset. few days later, i had an emergency and called him. and after that i been IMIng him online!! we talk and stuff but it seem as though he doesnt want to talk. I dont mind talking because im not planning on gettin back with him now. He feels the same way too i think but then again im not him so i dont know how he "truly" feels.


ok, so do i leave him alone? and let him contact me if he wants? i dont want to look desperate or anything. or shuold i keep in touch w/ him sometimes n send emails every now n then . and should i not IM him online too??



i know everyone says stop all contacts with your exes..or hate your exes and never talk to them again....i even felt this way too........but in our case, it was a good break up. we didnt cheat on each other ...we did however made some mistakes but then again, everyone makes mistakes n u learn from them...no ones perfect.


reason i ask this is becus i ask him a question earlier and he sitl hasnt respond......so guessin he doestn want to talk?

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don't listen to Corvette you are not desperate you are just used to communicating with him because he was your boyfriend. I would say stop contacting him though so you can get used to being independent. Maybe try some friends or family to communicate with


thanks shoebaby


its been pretty hard for me now..i keep wanting to talk to him....jus been a day of no contact n today i m not talkin to him too.....he isnt iMing me so guess he doesnt want to or need time.

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