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So I work in an office with several other ladies. We do not have anyone that sells Avon. One lady will occationally take orders and grab a catalog from someone at her church, but that's it.


My husband and I have been a bit short on cash, and have debated weather or not it was worth time away from family to have one of us get a 2nd job. So I became an Avon Representative. Now all the sudden she is competeing with me. It's gotten to the point of mean with her. I offered a substantial discount on this catalog, just to get her to let up. I don't know what else to do…Any ideas? Am I wrong here?

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You can add to your arsenal and start selling MaryKay, Pampered Chef, and Sephora.


Seriously, that is strange behavior on her part.


If you say anything to her you'll probably not have much of an effect. (I suppose you could try- but I'm just judging by the level of pettiness she has already shown. She would probably be very defensive about it) Since you have to work with her and don't want to make enemies that you will have to see each day- it might just be easier to sell Avon elsewhere or change what you sell all together.




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Whether the money goes to her or a friend, this was her "turf". It is possible that she always took a certain amount of pride in the orders she was able to take back to her friend. And although you saw it as an opportunity, she saw you as cutting into something she already had.


In order to protect the office peace, I would recommend focusing your sales elsewhere. Think of other untapped customers. You've made your new side career known to everyone in the office and if they want to purchase from you, they will come to you individually. Otherwise, they will continue buying from your coworkers friend.


Best of luck!

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